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Uncle Sam need’s you to vote yes on H.R. 267. Expand your brain son. 

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HR 267 IH

        108th CONGRESS

1st Session

H. R. 267

·        To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an incentive to ensure that all Americans gain timely and equitable access to the Internet over current and future generations of broadband capability.



·        To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an incentive to ensure that all Americans gain timely and equitable access to the Internet over current and future generations of broadband capability. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.



FINDINGS- The Congress finds the following:



·        The Internet has been the single greatest contributor to the unprecedented economic expansion experienced by the United States over the last 8 years.

·        Increasing the speed that Americans can access the Internet is necessary to ensure the continued expansion.

·        Today, most residential Internet users, especially those located in low income and rural areas, are extremely limited in the type of information they can send and receive over the Internet because their means of access is limited to `narrowband' communications media, typically conventional phone lines at a maximum speed of 56,000 bits per second.

·        Similarly, small businesses in low income and rural areas are also deprived of full information access because of their dependence on narrowband facilities.

·        At the same time, experts project that, under current financial and regulatory conditions, the facilities needed to transmit next generation broadband services over the Internet to residential users at speeds in excess of 10,000,000 bits per second will not be as ubiquitously available as is telephone service until sometime between the years 2030 and 2040.

·        PURPOSE- The purpose of this Act is to accelerate deployment of current generation broadband access to the Internet for users located in certain low income and rural areas and to accelerate deployment of next generation broadband access for all Americans.

·        House Representative George Bishop: Stats or has said “ that it would cost to much to do such a task has well has time to do it has well. Not to many can afford the broadband connecting bills; That the Cable provider’s price. However is you choose to have your block have an Broadband connecting line’s then that should be free of charge.”



This course of action is related to Telemechus. This is because Telemechus is very neutral person. Not very adventure’s until needed just has HR George Bishop. However the proper course of action is to be more motivating on this matter. Since communication and information is always expanding it must move forward. So say no or being neutral on the matter isn’t very helpful. Or well at least in this situation.


·        “ I feel that the more broadband connection’s there can be more creativity and communication. We need to connect our self’s to one another. Family, Friends , Business and others need to communicate so we can expand to the world. “  Stated U.S. Senator Hutchison ( R-TX).  This course of action is more of the line’s of Odysseus. His Bold action and sense of Exploring the type of leader ship needed to move the country forward to connect the nation. Since Odysseus doesn’t let new things bother him why would new broadband connection’s be a problem either. So a good action is what U.S. Senator Hutchison ( R-TX) is doing. Saying yes to H.R. 267.  


·        “ Connecting the United sates and California This can really benefit the community and the nation.”  Stated by or representing Darrel Issa 49th District of California at the house of representatives. He is completely opposite to Calypso . While Calypso want’s to stay on her Island and make Odysseus to stay with her. Mr. Darrel Issa wishes to expand the nation using Communication and help the citizens of this nation to move out and communicate with each other. 



 In the bill oh H.R. 267- IH The bill is trying to pursuit, connecting the nation on the high-speed High way.  However Concern of availability is the main concern in this Bill. Stating that there must be connection for all Americans.  Also money is an issue in this bill cost connecting the nation will be a time consuming task to do.


However if this bill passes many can benefit from this upgrade. However one would need a PC first but like many households do now. Many already have a PC in there homes, and jobs.









Annotated Bibliography:


1.                  - This site hold a; large data base of many Bills from it’s old to new. Just type in the bill # or just search for on under the word/search window.

2.                  - A search engine but a very resourceful one. This engine allows you to search for your senator and House Rep with ease.

3.                  - this site also allows you to gain background information on your senator or H.R.

4.                       - this is a very easy to use website to post your information. However the basic use can be a problem. The website holds a basic just type in your text window however the site doesn’t support spacing. And paragraph indention. So you just have a full screen of your work has one large paragraph. A 5 out of 10