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<title><font color=”ffffff”><center><I>Look what I did!</I></center></font color=”ffffff”></title>


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<center><font face=”comic sans”><font color=”ffffff”><font size=6>Okay, so I know that for somebody who’s designing his own operating system, this looks pretty pitiful.  But hey, you gotta admit… for a non-programmer, it’s not half-bad.<!—Okay, Jane, now that you’ve found Charlie, we can talk.  Heehee.  The only problem is finding a secure form of communication.  I thought of encrypting emails, but they’re meant to be opened at the other end, and Hilton would be sure to figure it out.  This little web page was fun, but definitely not secure.  Do you have any ideas?  Let me know!à  No, I’m not gonna get all into programming now, but I’ll do just about anything for a good story…</font size=6></font color=”ffffff”></font face=”comic sans”></center>

