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Penewellkyle's stuff

Well, you've found your way to my website, im sorry it sucks so much. One of these days i'll use a program and make an ok website, until then enjoy!
Here are some quotes, right now i've put pretty much any semi-funny quote i have in here, soon i'll have enough actually funny quotes so i can weed out the unfunny ones.
the1realmr: "yeah I've got about... uh... one and a strong 7/8th inches of farily limber dick"
Nok11111: did u tell him that there was no way that its gonna get bigger penewellkyle: no penewellkyle: tell him that urself Nok11111: nah, he'll stop living in his extasy eventually and realize not all beans turn into giant beanstalks
the1realmr: but then again, I don't really feel like going out with anybody at this point.... because of my small penis
LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: i bet dasha and greg will get married LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: and dasha will beat him :-P LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: lol, jp penewellkyle: HAHAH!!! penewellkyle: oo i could so see that LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: lolol LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: yeah LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: greg cowering in a corner LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: and dasha like holding a baseball bat over his head penewellkyle: high on sugar LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: lolol penewellkyle: threatening to kill him for a gummy worm
LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: wait... kyle... r u playing cupid?! penewellkyle: i am penewellkyle: come on penewellkyle: i am cupid LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: lol penewellkyle: cant u see me in a diaper shooting heart arrows penewellkyle: thats SO me LiTtLe Sl33pY 01: LMAO
Angie: why is it that Rachel austed can get a bf Angie: and Jessica Kam can get a bf Angie: but I can’t? Kyle: cause there are only so many desperate guys in this world
crazyathens019: im trying to find my own ass!
sparkelbabe2570: no! i am a nice hooker
sparkelbabe2570: is he oriental like crackers?
the1realmr: I have no chance with the girilies, and we both know it
penewellkyle (8:47:49 PM): its ok... my brother makes fun of me for being jewish sparkelbabe2570 (8:49:33 PM): i didnt know u were jewish penewellkyle (8:50:03 PM): o yeah... all my life actually:-P penewellkyle (8:50:06 PM): jk sparkelbabe2570 (8:50:28 PM): ooo woah sparkelbabe2570 (8:50:35 PM): u totaly had me goin!
penewellkyle (11:29:34 PM): ...well... no offence but i could see u as the kind of guy who would rape some1 crazyasian169 (11:29:47 PM): dude, i feel like it sometimes penewellkyle (11:30:05 PM): ...thats fucked up
penewellkyle: dude... is it normal to have a sexy dream that includes a donkey? *later* penewellkyle: dude... one time i had a dream where i was a mountain climber... and i climbed a huge mountain and when i got to the top i realized it wasn't a mountain i was climbing it was a giant boob... damn... that was a good dream
titten is the german word for tits the1realmr: titten the1realmr: kitten the1realmr: cute and comfy... and they seem to love you the1realmr: or maybe you just love them penewellkyle: its a mutual love penewellkyle: but then again... some kitties can get too fat penewellkyle: and some can be all skin and bone the1realmr: some are really hairy penewellkyle: ...and some can be so filthy u dont wanna snuggle with them at all
penewellkyle: what about the stories of when he plowed ur ass like a midwestern farmer?
the1realmr: you ever feel like you really need to take a shit... and then you're like... "wtf" penewellkyle: yeah, bad times *much time passes* penewellkyle: have u ever had to take a shit so bad, ur stomach was hurting so much that u thought u got ur first period
penewellkyle: your gf makes out with a female friend, is that cheating? the1realmr: only if I'm not there
penewellkyle: so, gregs ripped one of ur bra's too? DOTS103D: lol DOTS103D: haha DOTS103D: i kno u ripped athens purple bra penewellkyle: o yea, damn lace isn't strong enough to resist a guy's advances DOTS103D: i kno... penewellkyle: they need to make a kevlar bra, it'd resist bullets... and guys
penewellkyle: im bored penewellkyle: tell me a disgusting yet relevant sexual story the1realmr: you've come to the right man the1realmr: So this chick is at this big college party and she's kinda drunk, and this other kinda drunk dude starts coming on to her... and they go upstairs, where like... nobody is and he rips her clothes off, and ties her to the bed using the scraps of cloth and you know, they're both kinda drunk, and really into it... and right when she'd except him to start fucking her... he puts on a towel and gets out of the room and closes the door the1realmr: burn
the1realmr: You know what I've just realized about myself that is really degrading? That I only buy crap at the end of a really big holiday. If I have the urge to eat some candy, I wait two months until Easter, then another couple days later until the price has gone down? How pathetic is that? penewellkyle: damn pathetic the1realmr: I KNOW the1realmr: *sigh* penewellkyle: u know whats really pathetic.... having to fuck a donkey penewellkyle: sure, u may laugh now... but somewhere, some1 is so lonely that they'd rather fuck a barnyard animal then be alone

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