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Outer Sailor Haven


I finally buckeled down and redid the layout, fully. I didn't just redo the few main pages, I actually fixed it all. This is OSH's new look, and I hope that you like it.

This page covers all of the sailor scouts, star scouts, villans, history, and pretty much anything and everything else that I could find. There are actually more sections than what meets the eye, if you go to a section you'll end up with at least half-dozen more sub-sections. It's just easier that I laid it out this way, too many links and options confuse the mind.

This was my very fist page I ever created on my own ( I had done one with a friend-yonks ago ) so in a way it's my passion page. If you've actually seen it evolve over the years you're one of the lucky few, I really never worked on this page before...just added new sections and rearranged things on occasion.

Back to Sailor Moon. The goal of this page: a fast, clear, and accurate resource for sailor moon. If you need more information on another Anime then I'll suggest another page later. For now, please browse around and I look forward to your Comments.

© 2003 to Helevorn@SailorMoon.Com. best displayed 1024*768 res.