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For those of you out there that seemingly have nothing left if their life worth while, for those lost souls who no longer can look forward to anything when they wake up.....CONGRATS!

You've come to the right place! I've dedicated my life (or at least the hours I save by not doing my homework...) to this simple page in the hopes that people like you will finally find something of worth in your life. So this little character that I've created is not just a large circle with a foot, no, he is much more than that....he is a part of us, please, sit back, enjoy, and try to put up with this page 'cause frankly...I have NO idea what i'm doing..

So I now present to you....and the world...

Welcome to the official web-site of Mr. Big Orange!

And now, for a brief history of....MR. BIG ORANGE!


It all began years ago, when Mr. Big Orange was still just a normal sized piece of citrus vegetation. He was a normal orange, until one unfortunate day, a HUGE wind swept "Frank" as he was often called back home, out of his usual foliage and into a very unfamiliar place. He was found by a very, very, bad man...the DEVIL!! Good ol' Diablo was just about ready to ingest his fruit for the day when "Frank" used his only line of defense....citric acid!!! "Frank" hit a bulls-eye with his acidic juices which allowed him but a few moments to escape. At about that time another storm hit, but this time it was to "Frank's" advantage! The devil started chasing "Frank" on foot, but to his dismay, he forgot to put his Reebok's on that morning. He then lost his footing and careened down a canyon to the pits of insanity . To make sure that the Devil was gone, "Frank" climbed up on an oddly placed metal pole to get a scenic view. The electrical force in which he was struck would have "juiced" the average fruit...but then again, "Frank" was never considered "average". From that day forward "Frank" ceased to exist, but in his place stood the largest fruit known to man...

Mr. Big orange!!
















I realize that Mr. Big Orange can't cure all one's ills, so for those of you who are distressed about the current/past college football season (The best season there is!) or simply want to go kill some innocent animal...the following link may what you've been waiting for...

Oh, by the way...whatever you do, do NOT click on the following link...

You're Forbidden to Click On This Link!



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Thomas Cody Farrens