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The many characters of One Is Gonna Suck!

Here, we shall bring you the exciting and not so exciting main characters of One is Going To Suck! There will be Main Characters, Villains, and Others. As they actually begin appearing in the comic so shall images appear here, and new information.

Main Characters

Tatsuya, The Demon Hunter

This is Tatsuya, the demon hunter. He's...reaaaaally stupid, but he's got a good heart. He really DOES fight demons and as such has a secret about himself, which i don't mind revealing. He actually has a "demon fighting" power that doubles his strength and skill while fighting demons. You can see this when his eyes turn white. His sword was passed down from demon fighting generation to demon fighting generation.

Tori, The Cat Boy

Tori, the cat boy, or Nekojin. He was kidnapped from his village by unknown assailants and rescued by equally unknown assailants. He, however, quickly found a way to get home. His special "guide ball" will do its best to guide you to the answer of any question. He is well trained in magic and as such has VERY powerful spells, which he uses to save the party many times.

Shin, The Queens Soldier

Shin, as far as characters go, is probably the least important but kindof holds the group together. He is the common point amongst the group. He will lead Tori to his destiny and help Tatsuya better serve the queen. Unfortunately he hates everything and is kindof violent. He CAN fight, he just rarely does.

Han Tsu, The Demon Infested Fighter and Kan the demon infesting him

Han Tsu, otherwise known as Hot Soup, is an important member of the group. He has a demon named Kan living in his head which gives him magical powers, but also makes his life a little dangerous. He is pretty friendly, and comes up with plans often. He's sortof the Freddy of the group. The strange bubble with symbols inside is the abstract representation of Kan, the demon.

Jack, The Circus Performer

Another character coming later in the story, Jack is kid who joined the part after running away FROM the circus. He is a pretty good fighter to say the least.


Kirwan, The Demon Summoner

Oooo, sounds spooky, eh? Yep, Kirwan is the main villain of this little comic. You won't see him for a good long time, though, so don't hold your breath.

Junpei, the Demon Worshipping Monk

Junpei, the monk. He's more evil than he seems, you just haven't seen him in action. He runs the demonic temple to the evil demonic lord that will destroy the world. Why, you might ask? Because he will rebuild the world in his evil image and those faithful to him will be given a seat of great power to rule over the pitiful masses. By the way, you haven't seen the rest of the worshippers yet >:-D


Queen Halma, The Queen

The queen of the realm, Queen Halma is a kind and beautiful ruler and she is beloved by all. Except for evil people, but there aren't a whole lot of those. Her design is based off a character known as Junko who is copyrighted to Pat Lapierre. Go read his comic. Queen Halma likes it. Thats why she's always smiling

Nakato, The Coolest Knight

The fabled Nakato that Shin was talking about in page 3. He looks cool, acts cool, he even has a really cool black horse with flames painted on the sides. He's awesomely cool and so much cooler than Shin. Yeah. He'll be back eventually, i promise you that.