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Omiss presents

Sims Rockin' Webpage

Welcomme to my webpage!  As you can see, I'm just geting started.  I hope you keep comming back.  In comming days I'll have lots of cool stuff for The Sims!

Im also a huge fan of SpongeSquare Bob!


Cool stuff for The Sims from Omiss!!

Script Statione

This is the coolest progam in the hole worlde for anybodey who wants to make use their objects on Sims Vacatone or in Sims Hot Date!

Expret Edit

Anoher cool object maker program!

Object Edit

Here is anoher one.


This progam is even bettere!  Be sure to downlode this when it's avalable any time soon now!  I love my copy of Edith!

Sims Cars you can relly drive! 

Click here to downlode a car you can acsually drive in The Sims!  Vroooom da bing da bing dada da da.

Here is a picture of my cat Mr. fluffybones.  He's my favorite cat in the hole world.