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THE TALKERS: Mike Gallaghar

"Racist Republican - 07/13/02"

About a week ago, I was listening to Mike Gallaghar's morning talk radio, and he said some cold-heartedly offensive
things about that Inglewood case, where 4 Inglewood Police officers assaulted a 16-year-old African American. When you think that the
victim deserves to be righteously defended, Mike goes and speaks on behalf of the cruel and savage law-enforcers.
He literally defended the animosities of those monsterous men in blue. They give cops a bad name and tarnishes the
image of law-enforcement. But for some odd reason, here's a spokesperson who thinks that they did the right and lawful thing.
He reasons that the officers had no other choice, referring back to his support for "self-
defense," saying that if one feels threatened, that it's only fair to "Shoot first, question later,"
which I find very contradictory to his entire stance, and if I may add, quite mind-boggling and
disturbing to my ears. If he believes in the right of victims, why is he against the right of this
black 16-year-old victimized by officers??? He was the victim, NOT the officers who had all the
force and backups. Was it because the kid is black???

"Shoot first, question later" is no different from "Kill first, question later." How can
we even begin to interrogate someone who is already dead, paralyzed, or is too weak to even
speak??? That comment from Gallagher is insane and preposterous. I don't know whether I should
laugh at it or take it seriously (with great hate)...I mean, c'mon! How unreasonable was that???!

I'd very much advise listeners to go deep into what Gallagher says and figure out why I am
so against him. He not only contradicts himself, he goes far too close to sounding much like
a racist. If you are not an avid listener of this lunatic, I'd advise you to switch the channel or
else avoid being sucked in by this immoral, scandalously desperate racist Republican!

REPUBLICANS: Mike Gallagher *Bill Handle *Chris Matthews *Bill O'Reilly *Dennis Prager

DEMOCRATS: Bill Mahr *Phil Hendry *Jay Leno *Rosie O'Donnell


"Why to vote for Davis!- 10/23/02"

1) Simon has NO experience in political office. Isn't that better, you might ask? Well, NO
because it is a known fact that Simon is a typical (corrupt) businessman, who not only was
involved in corporate corruption, but is also known for being a lousy, irresponsible
businessperson. Basically, he has failed the trust of his former employees, and now he's out to
target the rest of America's working citizens. Thus, how could we even begin to trust him for a
political position, which involves an even greater amount of responsibility and which in turn
could make him even more corrupt?!

2) Not yet in office, and already Simon has built himself a bad rep and tarnishes his public image,

by attacking Davis for something later proved as Defamation and using THAT lie to hurt Davis, as his
(Simon) main defense for Election and boost for campaigning reasons.