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Final Test

Final Test
By: Patrickcool33

Narrator:Yet another day at Boating School.

Spongebob:Yahoooo!Yet another day at Boating School!I'm ready!

Mrs.Puff:You'd better be because this is the final test of the year.And this time I have a special test.What we are going to do is-

Spongebob:What are we going to do?

Mrs.Puff:We are-

Spongebob:What are we going to do?

Mrs.Puff:We are-

Spongebob:What are we going to do?

Mrs.Puff:WE ARE going to get lost on purpose!!!!


Mrs.Puff:Yes,I know it sounds crazy but a good driver must also know how to ask for directions and how to get back to the main road.

(Spongebob and Mrs.Puff drive off the main road,SB is getting the boat wrecked because of his bad driving)Mrs.Puff:Okay,now we're lost.Now what should you do first?


Mrs.Puff:Don't be nervous,Spongebob,just-

Spongebob:-Nervous.Very nervous.

Mrs.Puff:Okay,first ask for directions.Let's go get gas at this station and you ask the gas person for directions.

Spongebob(gettin out of boat):Excuse me sir,but could you fill the boat with gas?

Guy:Yup.That'll be 25 cents.

Spongebob:No prob.

(People come take the 25 cents sign down,replace it with 75 cents sign)

Guy:I reckon the price just went up.That'll be 75 cents.


(people replace sign with $1.50)

Guy:Well,I reckon the price just went up again.$1.50.

Spongebob:Gasp!I can't believe I'm going to spend my whole paycheck on boat fuel!!!

(Sponge gives him the money)

Spongebob:By the way,do you know how to get back to the main road?

Guy:Well that all depends.There's the south main road with the tumbleweeds,north main road with the hitchhiker,and west main road with the bar and then east main road but that's under construction.

Spongebob:Er-never mind.

(Sponge gets into boat.)

Spongebob:Sorry,Mrs.Puff but he didn't know.

Mrs.Puff:Oh,this is terrible.I should have never given you this test.

Spongebob:Oh,it'll be okay,Mrs.Puff,I can do it!

Mrs.Puff:You can?!Fat chan-er-I mean,of course you can.

Sspongebob(driving terribly,hitting into telephone poles and houses):Lalalala!

Spongebob:Wow,Mrs.Puf,isn't this great?At least we're making friends with the locals!(cut to injured people behind Spongebob yelling and screamingat him)

Mrs.Puff:Oh,this couldn't get any- (tires blow out)


Spongebob:Oh,excuse me Mrs.Puff,coral bits always give me gas.

Mrs.Puff:No,Spongebob,it's not that,we blew out 4 tires!How could we do such a thing?

Spongebob:Easy.See that ditch back there?


Spongebob:Well,I didn't.

Mrs.Puff:Oh,dear.Well there's a tire store right across from that diner.Let's get something to eat,then get new tires.


(Spongebob spots Flatts in diner window)

Spongebob:Gulp.Mrs.Puff,I don't think this is a good idea.

Mrs.Puff:Whyever not?Don't be silly.Let's go inside.

Spongebob:Yeah(laughs nervously)Who knows what surprises await....

(Sponge goes into restaurant with Mrs.Puff)

(there are all hicks in the restaurant,staring at Spongebob)


Flatt(seeing Spongebob):Hey,you!

Spongebob:Gasp!Er-I'm sorry sir have we met before?

Flatts:I had to leave Boating School cuz of you!

Spongebob:I'm quite sorry(nervously)sir but I have never met anyone by the name of "cuzovyu".

(Flatts gets ready to hit Spongebob)

Mrs.Puff:Hold it right there,Flatts,if you harm Spongebob it's going on your permanent record!

Flatts:But he made me leave boating school from too many injuries,I can't just let him live!

Mrs.Puff:Fine,you're expelled from boating school-permanently.

(Flatts walks away,mumbling angrily to himself)

Spongebob(to waiter):Hey,waiter,hey!

Waiter:Sorry,sir we don't serve horse food here.

Spongebob:No,this plate is all wet.

Waiter:Sir,that's your soup.

Mrs.Puff:Oh,forget this restaurant.I just want to go home.Let's just go and get those tires.

(After getting tires)

Mrs.Puff:Okay,Spongebob.Put the tires on.


Mrs.Puff:Don't be-

Spongebob:Nervous.Very nervous.Tire?

Mrs.Puff:Yes,put the tire on.

Spongebob:Uh,ok.(tries to put the tire on,dents the boat)

Mrs.Puff:Spongebob you dented the-

Spongebob:-I can do it!

Mrs.Puff:But you-

(Tries again,dents the boat)

Mrs.Puff(angrily):Let me handle this.

(Puf tries putting it on,dents the boat even more)

Spongebob:Wow,Mrs.Puff that was great!I tried and tried and tried, but I just couldn't dent the boat as good as you do! (Puff mumbles,both of them get into boat)

Mrs.Puff:Well at least this couldn't get any worse. (suddenly there is a rumble)

Mrs.Puff:I shouldn't have said that,should I?

Spongebob:What could it possibly be,Mrs.Puff?

Mrs.Puff:I don't know but something's wrong with the boat.

Spongebob:Say Mrs.Puff are you getting shorter?

Mrs.Puff:No,why would you say that?



Spongebob(pointing to ground):Look!

Mrs.Puff & Spongebob:Quicksand!

Mrs.Puff:Oh gracious,what are we going to do?We're sinking fast.

Spongebob:Here Mrs.Puff,quick,hand me snacks! Mrs.Puff:Oh,you have a plan,Spongebob?

Spongebob:No,I'm just hungry.

Mrs.Puff:C'mon Spongebob,jump!

(Spongebob and Puff jump,and just barely make it to land)

Spongebob:Whew,that was a close one.

Mrs.Puff:I agree,we barely survived.

Spongebob:No,I mean,I almost lost my snacks back there. Mrs.Puff:Well this is fantastic.Now we don't even have a boat.

(a boat with a driver stops in front of Mrs.Puff and SB)

Guy:Hey,ma'm,need a lift?

Spongebob:Wow,Mrs.Puff,we're saved! Puff & Spongebob:Yay!

Guy:I can get you to Bikini Bottom in 5 minutes.Just buckle up and here we go.

(all 4 tires blow out,because the boat hits a ditch)

Guy:Well,I reckon we just blew out all 4 tires.

Spongebob:That's a relief,I thought I had too many coral bits again.

Guy:Well,we'll have to hitchhike.

(cut to SB,Guy,and Puff all old holding canes raising their hands up for hitchhiking) The End