The Obscenely Pointless 16-Bit Adventure
updated Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays

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Todays (deplorable)Comic



  • 5/20: Schools gonna have its claws in me until the bitter end in a few weeks. I've got a lot of work ahead of me, and I certaintly don't need any distractions. With that in mind, I've decided to hold off on the comic until classes end. Sorry for any inconvenience this may pose.
  • 5/18: Sorry, no update today. It's my dads birthday and I've been layin low as much as possible. Update still scheduled for tuesday.
  • 5/13: Back.
  • 5/7: By now you may have noticed that nothing has been updated in a week. That is due to ridiculously difficult AP exams that decide my entire future, SOLs, a general lack of motivation, and a George Carlin stand-up show on Thursday night. Everything should be back in line by Sunday, or Tuesday by the latest.
  • 4/29: Not gonna be around much on Thurday and Sunday this week. Just sayin' there may be some late updates ahead.
  • 4/20: Happy Hitler's Birthday, Columbine Day, etc... In honor of the birth of a major historical character, and two angry children slaughtering their classmates, there will not be an update. I know you all are thinking, "He's just lazy and doesn't feel like doing a comic today, all that holiday stuff is just a front." and your right, so have a good day.(please resist the urge to send me hatemail for this post. If my opinions offend you that much, then you're just a pussy, and I don't want to hear from you. Remember, the nazis also didn't like people that disagreed with them.)
  • 4/15: thats right, 50. And in other news, Mother 1 and 2 have been announced for the GBA, and that Mother 3 is currently in the works. If you have no idea what I'm talking about:1 You have obviously never spoken to me, and 2 must go here immediately. That is all, good day.

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    all sprites and backgrounds were originally created by the mighty fine people of the very powerful yet VERY FORGIVING companies affiliated with nintendo. then one day me and some friends were dickin' around and we completely altered some sprites to make original characters, so actual characters are owned by myself (and possibly brian if he so cares to take credit for this load of shit)I will not list the companies becuz i am *cough*borrowing*cough* sprites and backgrounds from a very large grouping and im hoping the VERY NICE AND FRIENDLY companies will not sue little ol' insignifigant non-threating non-profiting me.-Noah