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Name:Jean A Grey Other known Aliases: Marvel Girl, Phoenix
Group:NXM GSF Chief medical officerBR> Powers:Telepathy & Telekinesis: ability to read minds & psionically levitate and rapidly move animate and inanimate matter
History:At the age of 10, Jean A Grey witnessed her best friend, Annie Richardson, being hit by a speeding car. Annie died in Jean's arms, but as she did so Jean was flooded with Annie's feelings and pain. Depressed and traumatised by the sincident which was the result of her awakening telepathic abilities, Jean was sent to Professor Xavier for treatement. Shortly afterwards Xavier started to recruit the members of the first New X-Men, and Jean was the first member.
Several years later, the small band of NXM members, matured and were sent out on missions to seek out other mutants and protect them from the harsh reality that others who were normal hated and feared them. The NXM members sought out those who were feared and invited them to live anew, and learn how to deal with their powers, not use them to attack back to those who hated them. Dr. Jean A Grey has been chief medical officer of the entire team, and was moved up to the Gold Strike Force Leader, for when they needed someone to help lead the special ops corp.
Jean came across Wolverine, in a brawl bar on the boarder of Canada and the U.S. Several months passed, along with several missions to and from Canada to the U.S. Jean disappeared after a mission with Wolverine in Canada to rescue Blink from the Weapon X compound. After her brief disappearance she mysteriously reappeared only to have changed, and seemed to be going by the name Jean Madelyne Pryor Grey. The professor and the others were convinced, that over a period of time. The time she spent on her mission to Canada more than likely made her turn in a detour on her attitude, her outlook to the team, and the loss of her powers. Everytime, Wolverine mentioned anything about Canada she didn't appear to remember, almost as if that time she spent up there was erased from her memory along with several battle scars that mysteriously disappeared.
Several years passed and Jean Madelyne Pryor Grey fell in love with Scott Summers and the two married. After marrying Scott, Jean Madelyne Summers, began to loose all of her powers, and no one understood why but they loved her for who she was. She died giving birth to their son, Nathan Christopher Summers. And not too long after she died, a series of unexplained events started to occur, and Jean A Grey, appeared to several people in the astral form. People thought she was coming back from the dead but only a few started to understand that something seriously had been messed up, and that Jean really never ever died.
Jean A Grey had been kidnapped back in Canada after she helped Major Logan rescue Blink. Her captore was Mister Nathan Essex, known to others as Mr. Sinister. For two years, Jean A Grey was held as a hostage, her powers neutralized, collared. She was used as a living experiement, beaten, raped, used and abused for his sick pleasures. She managed to escape the compound and come upon a powerful cosmic entity that was sworn to protect the galaxy, called Phoenix. Since her encounter with the cosmic entity, she returned back home seeing that she had been missing in action for over two years, and none of the NXM realised that. Slowly but surely, people have been re-opening themselves towards Jean and have accepted her return as a miracle. To some she's known as a guardian angel, to others a ghost.