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March 11, 2003: [12:55]

-= Cyril=-

Some Rage images are now online in Roberto's section. Also, two new issues of Welcome to the Real World are also up. I updated the drop-down menu for easy access to both of these, as well as the other comics. A redirect link has been put up on the other site, leading to this one. So, traffic should increase over the next few days. =)

March 8, 2003: [10:50]

-= Tooc =-

Well, slight problem as far as my projects go: my binder was stolen, and in it were all my sketches for "The Orange of Crazy" that I never scanned, as well as a couple other ideas I had. It's not a truly big deal, as I'm more interested in "Student ID". Also, I think I'm going to eliminate "Shades of Grey" as a manga and make it into a short story. Anyway, because I lost most of my sketches, I am going to restart on them tonight and finally try to get something scanned in. I know I should have taken care of it all a long time ago, but sometimes it's just too hard to force myself to draw. I mean, I'm not Curtis...

March 4, 2003: [2:39]

-= Cyril =-

The first issue of Tymm's comic is up. The currently available comics are also now listed in the drop-down menu for easy viewing. I'll get Roberto's comic up soon, as well as my page. Here at NSL Studios I have a section where I'll post my personal reviews of various anime and manga series. I'm about halfway done with the first batch, and I'll upload those as soon as possible.

February 26, 2003: [1:07]

-= Cyril =-

Hey everybody, Brian here. I've finally got all the content from the old site transferred here to NSL Studios. Curtis's "The World Rift Chronicles", "Welcome to the Real World", and "Blue Gaiasis" are up now, so be sure to check those out. =) I'll mess around with the layout a bit more to see if I can't do something about all the ads and maybe save some page loading time.

We're doing pretty good with the space limitations so far. Using a nifty image editing program, I've been able to reduce the file size of the images on the site by about 50% and still keep the same quality.

February 16, 2003: [14:28]

-= Tooc =-

Alright, I finally put up some better info in Brian and Roberto. Also, the site name change will take place in the netx couple days. The consensus is that NSL Studios is good (provided we have no definite name for the acronym ^^). Once the site name is changed, I will go ahead and put EVERYTHING up for viewing. I'm not worried about space limitations.. that's easily fixed. Whatever...

February 12, 2003: [16:48]

-= Tooc =-

Alrighty, I've uploaded a bunch of Curtis's stuff to be put up sometime today or something. As soon as I figure out a decent way to set things up for him, I'll have his stuff up for viewing on the site.

Also, the site-name change will take place within a week. Curtis and I have sorta agreed on "NSL Studios" (although the 'NSL' is gonna have a couple different meanings...), and Scoot liked it, I believe. So, within a week from today, Inferno Industries will be renamed, and all the content will probably be switched over to another URL.

Also, I am really gonna try to do some good sketches for 'Student ID' and maybe 'The Orange of Crazy' and have them up soon. It's hard to force myself to draw when my other hobbies easily draw my attention away from it...

February 02, 2003: [1:56]

-= Tooc =-

Whew, been a while since I bothered to touch the site. Tonight was just a quick, little update to the content section of the site on my end: Character Bios are up for "Student ID". The bios are just basic developmental ideas of what I'm looking at, and are likely to be tweaked a bit when I find out that stuff isn't gonna work right. I hope to force myself to get some character sketches up on the site within the next.. eventually. Oh, and I also fixed a couple minor errors on the site, so everything should be at about 95-100% correct as of right now. Guess that's all for this update. Oh, and...


February 02, 2003: [0:35]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Hey all, Been awhile......again. I've been pretty busy lately, working on alot of different things. To make up for the lack of updates, I have put up 2 new comics for WTH!?TCS. Also, this will be the last WTH!? update for this site. From this point on, new issues of WTH!? will be found on KCI. SOrry bout this, but WTH!? started at KCI, and it will continue there. I will have something here to make up for the lack of WTH!?, but it'll probably not be a sprite comic. For all my sprite comic stuff, go to KCI, cause thats the only place I will put them.

January 20, 2003: [23:42]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Hey all. Been a while. I actually have a new comic for you guys. But its not a part of the plotline. I will have the next part of the plot in the next few days. The new comic is in the WTH directory, so go see it there. Also, I wil lbe doing some major updates to KCI, so you guys should go check it out often. Well, cya later.

January 14, 2003: [12:00]

-= Kenderman =-

Hey Tooc i have been on the staff longer than you, it's just that I havent been able to update and my comic is coming along now. I hope to have it done and maybe a title soon - I am welcome to suggestions. [Edit edit.. thanks for clearing up the order of arrival for me...-Tooc]

January 12, 2003: [12:12]

-= Tooc =-

Alright, I finally got around to fixing ALL the links on the site that were directing to the old forum. Now that we've got an EZBoard the site's just a little bit more respectable. I just wish Otaku would give me my admin powers sometime soon. I think mt global account is overriding my local, so I gotta ditch my global... Also, welcome Kenderman, the newest member of the site! I can tell I'm gonna be doing a lot of editing for him!

January 12, 2003: [12:00]

-= Kenderman =-

Hey guys, Tooc's helping Kenderman update. Finally I shall put stuff everywhere in the staff. Sorry if I mess up any.

January 06, 2003: [1:37]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Hey guys, We have a new Message Board now. It is an EzBoard, and can be found here. Sorry, but thats all I have for now.

January 05, 2003: [2:13]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Hey guys. Well, I've got the first issue of the new plotline for WTH!?. I hope its good enough for you guys.
Also, I've got some news for everyone. I am getting back with my old staff and I'm gonna restart Kaos Comix Inc. This doesn't mean that I'm abandoning this site. I'm still going to help out here. I'm just gonna put my works other than WTH!? on KCI, so it won't be so crammed here when the rest of the staff puts up their stuff. The address for KCI is I'll just say it again, so no one misunderstands what I've said. I'm not quitting II, I'm just gonna put up my other works on KCI, cause htere are fewer Staff Members.

I'll have a new issue of wth!? up sometime next week, and I'll put up the first issues of Curtis's Sonic Survivor, once I find out where the floppies that they are on are.

January 02, 2003: [16:41]

-= Tooc =-

Sometimes you wonder just what the heck is going on in someone's mind..

Scoot has no trouble uploading his stuff, not once but an unnecessary second time (And not in the proper directory, I might add.. How friggin' hard is it to upload your stuff into th -IMAGES- subdirectory!?) However, Curtis's stuff still isn't on the site yet. Get it up Scoot!!!

In other news, I am going to do the character sketches for "Student ID" over the next day or two, as well as dig out some of my "TOoC" stuff and maybe get it scanned in. When I do so, I'll upload them to the images subdirectory *coughunlikescootcough* and finally get them up for viewing. I hate having to force myself to work...

January 1,2003: [06:54]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Hey guys. Happy New Year. And for this i have a special issue of WTH!?TNA. You can find it here. I have the first major plot planned out for WTH!? and I will be starting it in the next issue. If you look, you'll see 2 of the new major characters in this new plotline in the New Years issue. Well, bout time I tried to get some sleep.

December 30, 2002: [00:13]

-= Tooc =-

Alright, decided to get a filler design up until I can put up the one I was working on. I like this one, though, and its' look matches the site, so this may be a permanent (until changed ;) design. My only qualm is that it isn't nearly as complex and purty as the other one, but I guess simplicity can be infinitely more beautiful if used properly. Well, aside from that I have no updates for the site as far as I know.

Oh, now I remember.. a site email addy. I think it'd be a good idea to create an actual site email aside from our personal ones. That way we could have one email shared by everyone involved.

Oh yeah, and I put a preliminary vote in for a name change. Can anybody else say "lame" in reference to "Inferno Industries"? I know I can...

December 27, 2002: [21:13]

-= Tooc =-

Alright, I cleaned up the small mess that Otaku left by making a page for What The Hell!? - The New Age and adding it into the navigation bar. I also had to move the picture files to the images subdirectory.. tsk tsk, Otaku!

I have yet to work on any of *my* projects, although I do plan on scanning in a few things sometime soon. Expect a few "TOoC" blurbs sometime soon!

Also, I am working on creating a much better site layout/design to have up in the next week or so. I have high hopes for it, so I'll try to make it worth the effort.

December 27, 2002: [3:08]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Hey guys, Otaku here, and I got some stuff for ya. First, I updated my prodjects. Second, I got the cast page and the first issue of WTH!?TNA. I can't find my old WTH!? issues, so I guess I'll remake them.Well, you'll find the cast page here. You can also see the First WTH!?TNA here. I will have some new things up in the near future. Also, I hope you all had a good Christmas.

December 24, 2002: [22:43]

-= Tooc =-

Site Update: Projects Info-Blue Gaiasis, The World Rift Chronicles, Welcome to the Real World.

Also, I want to wish all those who celebrate X-mas on X-mas eve (like me!) a merry x-mas. Hope you get some good stuff. Guess that's all, so I'll get to work... on a holiday.. ain't I spiffy.

December 23, 2002: [21:18]

-= Tooc =-

Well, Scoot got his laptop finally, so this site might start to shape up a bit quicker. Anyway, I added Curtis to the Staff page, and as soon as Scoot and Curtis give me the info I'll add their projects to the Project page. Of course, they could just go ahead and do it, but I think it's kinda fun..

December 23, 2002: [15:49]

-= OtakuGuy =-

Heh, sorry guys for not workin on the site. I haven't been near a comp until now. Well, I now have a labtop, so I can basically do an update at any time.

Ok, for all of you who don't know me, I'm OtakuGuy "or Scoot by Tooc". I used to make sprite comics, and I used to run a Site called "Kaos Comix Inc.". Well, that site died, and I stopped spriting for awhile. But now I think I'm gonna give them another shot. My main prodjects will be Infinite Stupidity, a spoof of Final fantasy; What The Hell!? The New Age, the continuation of my first sprite comic; and, of coure, to make this site look kick-ass. I will try to get up the old issues of WTH!? up, if I can find them. If not, I'll just remake them or something. I'll have some issues of either WTH!?, WTH!?TNA, or Infinite Stupidity up in the next few days.

December 23, 2002: [15:19]

-= Tooc =-

Alright, got the content page done and decided to go ahead and link it all up. Keep in mind that there is NO material in the "content" section, so the links are dead on that page. Everything is working fine, so my work is done for now.

December 23, 2002: [14:41]

-= Tooc =-

Welly well, I made a Projects page this morning and linked everything around. The site is functional now, but the only content as of right now is the meager staff page and projects page, which only has info on my projects as of right now. I'm going to make a "Content" page as well, but I haven't decided whether or not to link it yet due to lack of material. Well, time to get back to work!

December 23, 2002: [2:20]

-= Tooc =-

Got a few things done tonight: Made a makeshift 'Staff' page, as well as a message board. This site needa a LOT of work, but I'll tough it out while I can to make sure things get done. I *could* have spent the past two hours doing something else (sleep comes to mind), so if I die of exhaustion, blame Scoot!

December 22, 2002: [23:49]

-= Tooc =-

Well, looks like I have to take things into my own hands on this site for now since Scoot is too lazy to make any attempt at it. As of right now there is absolutely no content on the site, however if I can find the effort in me, I shall try to accomplish something. I may even work on a few things shortly.


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Contact: OtakuGuy - Tooc