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Able to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound
Able to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound

And they said it couldn’t be done by mortal men.

Buildings? Please. Like I should even bother. I’ve made real leaps and bounds in my lifetime. Things that no real mortal man should be able to do. Well…that is, unless you’re….


Fuck buildings in a single bound. Have you seen what I’ve done in my life? Have you seen the leaps and bounds I’ve made. Have you seen where I was at the start of this year, and where I am now? Stephen Silky Sharp, the Captain Hook to my Peter Pan. The Giant to my Jack. So on and so forth. He once controlled the HWF with an iron fist, and most of the time he was dropping that iron fist on top of my head. But I made the leap. With nothing but faith steering me, I leapt my tall building in a single bound…and where am I now? That’s right. Now it’s I, who runs the HWF with the iron fist. World Champion, my second time doing so, and I lead the Elite…

A group of men who WOULD be perfect…save the disobedience of one man. You Jon Fuller. You and your hopes and dreams. You and your blind ambition.

You Jon Fuller…are no Superman.

I can’t see you making the leaps and bounds I have. I just can’t see you hurdling those damn skyscrapers. You just don’t have it in you Jon, you just don’t have the ability that I do. You don’t have the heart, the faith, the drive that I did when I was in your shoes. You’re nothing more than a second rate player, trying to steal my spotlight…and I don’t like it. Not one bit. Do you think that you could have beaten back Steve Sharp, with the odds that I faced? Could you have toppled all of those in King of Violence and then still managed to win the World Championship. I’ve been places you can only imagine Jon. I’ve done things that you can only dream of. From going to riches to rags and back again. From going through the Chain Reaction, only to be robbed of what’s mine, to King of Violence, through Sharp, and finally to Jayson Chambers for my World title.

Guys like me. We really do fly Jon. Actually, I’m the only guy that is like me…and trust me when I say I can do anything. Flying? No biggie. I fly above all of you, no matter how high up on the mountain you think you might be, there I’ll always be, sitting above you…notches…rungs…miles above you. I don’t’ need wings, I don’t need plane….I don’t need people to shout out “look, up there in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane…it’s Cross” I know I can fly Fuller, I know that I soar with the eagles.

There is nothing I can’t do. But you Jon?

You’ve been given more chances in your life than any man should. I remember when I had stepped back from the company, and you tried to run with the ball, and you couldn’t even take down a William’s brother. I chew those boys up for breakfast. It’s only now, by grabbing onto my coattails that you’ve truly arrived Jon. Hell, you can’t even settle this pointless dispute with Hostile Man. Your ego has even grabbed you to the point where you think you can beat me and him on the same night. Of course you can beat him, you are an Elite…even if you’ve temporarily removed the jersey, you’re still part of that team, and we do not remove brothers from the family. However, you cannot beat me Jon Fuller. Regardless of what sort of state of mind and body that you’re just not capable of beating me. No one is.

Consider me, the building that cannot be jumped over.

But you…you’re just a puddle to me.

Can I really fly Jon? No, of course not. Even I wouldn’t go that far. But when it comes down to it Jon. When it comes down to what I’ve done. The mountains I’ve reached, the obstacles I’ve hurdled. You think Michael Trey and Lance Sterling are legends? Please. They cream themselves late at night, wishing that they could be me. When it comes down to it, do guys like me really even need to fly? Of course not. Because I’m above everyone already.

Tall buildings in a single bound?

And then some folks, and then some.