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-=/.::| Negoki Productions |::.\=-

I'm sad to announce that this site is no longer valid... COS NEGOKI PRODUCTIONS MOVED ON!
The NEW page is located at !

Check it out!

Comming Soon on Negoki Productions...
Manga Branch REBIRTH

This is for those that visited this site before everything starts getting screwed up and know `bout the successes of Negoki Productions in the past. NOW! I'm trying hard to bring Manga Branch back online. I mean it! I'm currently trying out a few hosts hoping that they would not delete my files, I uploaded some files onto the server and is now praying that they would not delete my files. My attempt with was unsuccessfull. I uploaded 5 volumes of Love Hina there in a period of 2 days and found my site deleted today. But no worries. I'm stil trying, and I think I might just have the perfect solution!

Hey guys! I know it's been kinda disappointing when you see that whole bunch a stuff that's supposed to be on but only to find nothing when you get there. Well, sorry `bout that. Those stuff WERE on my server for a while until my entire site got deleted by my host. I was fortunate to get my domain back so I ain't taking no more risks. Once again, sorry.

So update your bookmarks/favourites.

This old site would still be here, I ain't gonna be bothered to erase it, just waiting for Angelfire to find out.

Old Site