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About Mustang Sally: The real Mustang Sally, whose real name is Craig, lives in Massachusetts. These comics are an ongoing account of his fascinating life.


7/20/02 Seņor Calabaza's Merry Christmas

The Floating Heads pt. 9

The Math Buddies

Sally Defeats the Hobos

Sally Meets Santa pt. 2

Sally Meets Santa pt. 1

Sally Works As a Psychiatrist

The Floating Heads pt. 8

The Floating Heads pt. 7

The Floating Heads pt. 6

The Floating Heads pt. 5

Sally Visits Nintendo Land

Sally Does Charity

The Floating Heads pt. 4

The Floating Heads pt. 3

The Floating Heads pt. 2

The Floating Heads pt. 1

Sally Works at the Video Rental

Sally Buys Shoes

Sally Fibs

Sally at Condom World

Sally and the Broken Seat

Sally Goes to Japan

The Dog

Seņor Calabaza

Sally In the Desert

A Mother's Concern

Sally Rebels

The Rodent


E-mail Mr. Jonathan at