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Welcome to Mist Valley

of Two Moons MUSH

Greetings, friend, and welcome to the Mist Valley web site. We are the newest tribe on the MUSH called Two Moons, built from the merger of BriarHolt and Warren. So just take a moment to look through our site, learn about each of us and our history. Sit back, and enjoy the calm serenity of our pages.

Within these calming pages, you will meet our various members, where they come from and how they came to live in Mist Valley. You'll also see who is keeping the tribe together. Within these pages, you'll also find out how to make a Mist Valley elf, as well as find a list of the available characters and NPCs (non-player characters).

You want to find out more? Then just follow these links to learn more. Watch out for the wolf pack, they could be watching. ;)

Holt Info Members History Links

Webmaster: Sabbath E. Silverclaw
Created: August 7, 2003
Last updated: August 7, 2003
Images: Background and other images care of Other artwork care of their players and respective artists. Elfquest®, Wolfriders, and all related names, logos, characters, situations and their distinctive likeness are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.