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Overachieving parents

You see it all the time, kids wondering around the streets protected on all sides by their parents' wishes and 'good eyes'. Kids rollerblading with shoulder, knees and elbow pads. It isn't bad enough they can't move much with those things on, they also have to wear a helmet! It makes them look ridiculous and even narrows their sight.

It seems that the more we evolve the more parents tend to over protect their children. It makes me sick and annoys the heck out of me! For one thing, back a couple of years ago, parents use to have so many children losing one or two at birth was almost a natural thing. If half your children made it passed ten without some sort of disease it was a miracle. Not to say parents didn't give a shit about their children before, but it didn't make them go soft on them enough to turn them into walking scarecrows. Nowadays parents want to be on watch 24/7 and monitor their children to make sure nothing bad happens to them. It's a form of hypocracy never seen before in adults.

The very fact that they overprotect them while both parents have daytime jobs is ridiculous. Why in the world do full grown adults who only worry about themselves and getting ahead in the business world truely give a shit about their children? Is it some sort of pride and achievement thing I'm missing out on or some sort of wise thought only age can get me. It's pathetic!

Parents now send their children to day-camps all summer long because they are too busy with their jobs to be home to take care of them. Not only that, but they also don't seem to care to much about educating the little pricks. They have a tendency to carry them around on leashes or in little strap-ons that prevents them from touching the little bastards. I was taking a walk the other day and if I hadn't gotten much closer I could of sworn this mom had a leash around her daughter's neck and not the dog.

When are these overachieving, self important, egocentric assholes going to learn to truely communicate with their children? The new generation has fucking TV specials to teach them everything! They have Ritalin to control their moods and psychologist to control their emotions. This display disgusts me to the point that I want to shoot the next asshole who lets his children loose on my lawn.

Although, seeing the little one on my lawn does give me some hope about the next generation. It looks like not all children are inside in front of the computer and TV turning their braincells into useless headaches. There's something else that's annoying, censures on TV and everywhere else. The more it goes the more parents are trying to shield their children from everything. What gets on my nerves the most has to be the fact that these same low-life assholes blame everything on the media. When are they going to learn that they have a responsibility into their children's lives and they should get physically involved in it! Never mind that "I told him to put on his helmet" bullshit! That isn't parenting! You have to get involve, get in there and see who they are, learn from them because you aren't going to learn much from your arrogant self.

Your children will grow to be strangers to you some day, deal with it! Until then, learn to get involved. Your child shot up a few class mates and mutilated some birds only to make his younger brother eat the carcass as a means of entertainment? Fine...believe me, it isn't cartoons and his TV that tought him that. He came up with that on his own because he didn't have parents to show him what love and respect is. Nevermind 'it's someone else's fault', it's yours! Take responsibilities!