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"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
Wednesday, 12 May 2004
Not so Swift Afterall
I was thinking of doing a write up about these Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and had this great intro and damn if The Daily Howler didn't beat me to it. NOT TOO SWIFT: Ironically, they call themselves ?Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,? but some don?t seem to be all that swift?and they don?t really seem all that truthful. Yesterday, they met in DC to swear that John Kerry simply isn?t fit to be president. But here?s how one angry swift boat vet described something he found ironic: ELLIOTT: The second irony is, in 1971...he claimed that the 500,000 men in Vietnam in combat were all villains. There were no heroes. In 2004, one hero from the Vietnam War has appeared running for president. That is, of course, a buffoon?s account of what Kerry actually said way back then. But that?s what former lieutenant commander George Elliott had to say at yesterday?s session. Get ready to hear much more of this sort of thing as these men-who-are-angry-but-not-all-that-swift continue to vent against Kerry. (Elliott publicly praised Kerry in 1996 when Kerry was running for the Senate.) John E. O'Neill the official Nixon hitman and lifelong John Kerry stalker get a profile at Salon. Houston attorney John E. O'Neill, the Navy veteran who has emerged recently as a harsh and ubiquitous critic of John Kerry's military service, tells reporters that he has never really been interested in politics and isn't motivated by partisan interests. In the media, O'Neill is often described simply as a Vietnam vet still enraged by the antiwar speeches Kerry delivered more than 30 years ago. That was when O'Neill first came to public attention as a clean-cut, pro-war protege of the Nixon White House's highest-ranking dirty trickster (aside from the late president himself), Charles Colson. Joe Conason claims my second favorite play-on-words title : Smear Boat Veterans for Bush The "swift boat" veterans attacking John Kerry's war record are led by veteran right-wing operatives using the same vicious techniques they used against John McCain four years ago. The latest conservative outfit to fire an angry broadside against John Kerry's heroic war record is "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" , which today launches a campaign to brand the Democrat "unfit to serve as commander in chief." Billing itself as representing the "other 97 percent of veterans" from Kerry's Navy unit who don't support his presidential candidacy, the group insists that all presidential candidates must be "totally honest and forthcoming" about their military service.......( something they don't care about as regards Preznit Bush, who as of this writing has still not released all his military records or anyway accounted for not fulfilling his ANG duties). And last, but not least Matt Gunn pulls a lot of the threads together: Swift Boat Veterans for a Big Lie Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.-- John Quincy Adams

Posted by comics/minister_mike at 9:27 AM PDT
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