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November 5, 2004:
Sometimes... I get an email from angelfire saying we
have not updated our site in over a year and they
are going to delete it, and I say NO! and
come to the rescue! So here is your update, folks.
This site was fantastically created by Melissa and
Danielle during our 10th grade biology class. (We
are so cool.) Well, unfortunately, that was back
in the good old days of... umm... 2002? We now
attend college (because we are so smart) and are
so entirely busy. BUT FEAR NOT! The site will
live on! And someday we shall add more pictures!
Until then, be good... and if you can't be good, then be good at it!
Oh yes, and send us emails! (But not porn...)
~Melissa and Danielle: The Coolness Factors!

Now Showing: Pages 1-50
Next: Pages 51-100

Page 1- SDMK Water Plan

Page 2- Syco Scary Melting Lady

Page 3- It's the Box-Boy!

Page 4- Walking MurMur Computer

Page 5- Dead Eyeball

Page 6- The Egg Eating Bat

Page 7- Growling 3 Headed Monster

Page 8- She-Man/He-Woman

Page 9- Sycos Taking Over the World

Page 10- One Big 'Happy' Family

Page 11- Double Decker Head

Page 12- Casper?

Page 13- Bailamos

Page 14- Big Giant Head

Page 15- Camping

Page 16- J

Page 17- Phospholipids

Page 18- Cut and Pasta

Page 19- There Are No Words

Page 20- Ryanalogies

Page 21- Star Land

Page 22- Toilet

Page 23- Don't Eat It!

Page 24- Horsey

Page 25- Ghostbusters

Page 26- Mr. Happy

Page 27- Racing Gato

Page 28- Peanut Family

Page 29- Español

Page 30- Crazay Smoker Guy

Page 31- You Can Never Hide

Page 32- People Eater

Page 33- Double Take

Page 34- Obsessive Note

Page 35- Hippopotamus

Page 36- Enzymes

Page 37- Moo

Page 38- Road Trip

Page 39- Tornado-Man

Page 40- Stalker

Page 41- The Park

Page 42- Letter People

Page 43- Scribbles

Page 44- Stick Lady

Page 45- Terror Cat

Page 46- Naked Game

Page 47- Captain Pink

Page 48- Medi-Teddy

Page 49- Magic Jumping Beans

Page 50- Jey Flower

There's More- Pages 51-100

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Or we will attack you with a swarm of fish!
That are mean!!!


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