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Sarah is as a solitary tree, separated from the main forest. Not enough to deprive it of purpose, since it’s still close enough to main foliage to be accepted by the wandering creatures, but far enough so that it isn’t hampered by the things the forest trees are. Because of its low proximity, it has better access to the sun and rain, and other tree’s roots don’t drain the soil around it. This makes the tree much stronger by itself, and much more appealing in my opinion, since it also does not have the same darkness around it that the dense, dank forest does. In spite of this, it can still provide it’s own shade from the harshness of the sun. As the tree is to the forest, so is Sarah to other people in society. She is different enough so that she stands out from the normal mob of people, but is still down-to-earth, and can be just as “normal” as the next person when she wants to be. She is able to absorb the culture around them just as easily, but she is not driven to conform to those around them. This ability is very admirable, and makes her seem much more fascinating and friendly, able to be a listener as well as an entertainer, depending on the situation at hand, and, no matter how dark the outside world may be, she is always a light in that darkness, able to solve any problem just by being there.