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Whew! Yep, lotsa great writing there. I'm not really a big Gen-X fan, but I liked how you put it together here, including Penance. I'd love to see a "reunion" (cat fight?) between Gabby, Toby, and Penny, so Gabby can explain herself. And no, I didn't see the Remy/Bobby thing coming (kinda gave me the creeps, but ah well--as long as it ain't Storm & Yuriko! lol). Anyhoo, keep us entertained, eh? - ninamonkey

Wonderful!(except for the hint of a Remy/Bobby pairing, I just can't seem to like that particular variety of slash) I'm so happy Penance got to be a main in this chapter...and I loved the party. Will there be any more? Please say yes(even if it's just a brief epilogue, you're a wonderful writer and I'd love to read it) :) - Metroprincess

Man, this story is great! - The Anonymous

Woohoo! I finally finished it! ~She blinks her eyes repeatedly trying not to go crosseyed after staring at the small text for such a long time.~ Although I'm not big on Gen-X and there wasn't nearly enough Kurt (There's that bias again.) it was a fantabulous ending! I REALLY hope you plan on continuing this wonderful saga. - Tessa

~Gasps as she resurfaces for air.~ Whew~ I've been reading this on and off all day long... Man, how can you write so much, and incredibly fabulous stuff at that?! I simply love the characters you've created! They have so much depth that there is no way that they could be mistaken for Mary Sues, although I must admit, I *had* doubts about young Susie. And as for Toby, very creative take on his "other" mutant ability. I've never heard of a character with choral voices before, let alone having those voices be utilized in a beneficial manner... that is if Banshee and Syren (sp?) don't count. Hm... Anyway, my favorite scenes so far were the ones between Kurt and Mystique (Mainly because Kurt's my favorite character and I was glad you finally gave him some of the lime-light, but it was also very poignent and well written.), Toby and Mr. Wallace (all of their spars) ,and the Toby/Vic one. You're eerily true to all of the characters' speech, thought processes, and personalities. The only things I had problems with were in the first few chapters: First being the fact that everyone (especially the X-Men) were shocked that Toby had fangs and claws, being that said trait is fairly common in Marvel-world. The second was that he [Toby, of course] would call the professor "Mister Professor"; anal yes, but it kinda got under my skin. :) Other than that, what I've read so far is spectacular and I still have chapters five and six to go. I sincerely hope that you continue to write because you are a master of the pen. Have a great day! - Tessa

I like this little fic! Even though the "youngster joins the X-Men" idea's been done to death, you've got a great grasp of the character's voices (even Storm's, my personal fav--everyone seems so scared of using her, for some reason). I'm still reading--I'll give another overview when I'm done. - ninamonkey

Aww! I loved the mystique and Kurt thing. Tres heartwarming. off to read chapter 4! :) - Metroprincess

I really liked this...the idea of a child of Sabertooth's coming to live in the mansion...who is sweet and utterly cute is a great one. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter! - Parodys

Ok, I like this quite a bit...but it's late and I'm sleepy, so I'll read and review more later(it might even be articulate and smart sounding, after I get some sleep...) :) - Metroprincess

Phew!! I finally finished this and the only word that pops into my mind is...phenominal. This was six chapters of brilliant writting, a realistic and interesting plot and above all real characters that have the same flaws and hopes as everyone else. Bravo!!! I also loved what you did with Penance...heck what you did with all of the characters. So, I sincerely hope you write more stories because you have a major talent that shouldn't be wasted. Write on! :) - Parodys

It took me a total of three hours to read this whole story. And it's quite a story! you give all the characters beleiveble personalitys and feelings - Lee Fae

This was a joy to read. Your tone is genial and friendly, easily catching me up in the story.
Your portrayal of the characters is great. So many like to exaggerate one character or another to fit a writing stereotype, even in an ensemble piece like yours. Toby is fun! I smiled at his first meeting with Rogue and like her mothering aspect that you brought out.
I'm eagerly looking forward to reading your other pieces. - Camaz

I'm not sure where to start or what to address in particular, but I'll start with a big freakin' _WOW_.
At first, I was thinking, 'man, this is gonna be LOOONNNGGG," but as soon as i read the first installment, my jaw dropped. i'd have to assent that the chapters are long, but have no fear, this is NOT a flame. the thing was, it was so...thorough. i never felt at any moment that i was reading superlong useless descriptions or irrelevant dialogue.
your command over the characters, their complexity, their emotions and their motivations, was impressive. it felt to me that each of the x-men had their own real-life personalities. when they talked, it was natural as any other conversation would be, and it didn't appear forced or awkward.
i think the thing that kept me hooked though, was the ability you had for me as a reader, to identify and sympathize with the characters, especially Tobey. I think everyone has felt like the underdog at some point, and i could identify with the struggle and the torrent of emotions he felt.
so if you wrote in part to have the readers empathize with your characters, i'd have to say you undoubtedly succeeded, at least on my part. it's the understated current of emotions throughout the sub-plots, like with rogue in part one and how she cared for tobey, everyone silently acknowledging the pain she feels for not being able to have a child, and the raw emotions between a mother and her estranged son in chapter three.
i really look forward to reading the next chapter and hope that you are going to continue the series for a long time yet! - Raevyn

I'm really impressed with this story. I've been a longtime fan of Sabretooth, and this story does wonderful things with his character.
Toby is simply wonderful, and you've managed to clean up the mess those silly writers made with Penance! I can't thank you enough!
Are there plans in the works for additional installments? - Unanon

I love it! I can't wait for you to write a sequel. You will write one wont you? Please? :) - shadowfire

This is the coolest fic - Blackskye

ohmigod... i'm so absolutly stunned.. do you know every chapter of your wonderfull fiction is about 5o pages longs!!!!!! i'm a total sucker for long and wonderful stories....what a great wonderful story love it but y is there a empty chapter 7?? keep up the good work and post chapter 7 quickly!!!!!! - sacharine

the written word

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