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(inspired by "Road Runner")

/fade in
(Morning. A hen's house with a yard and a fence around it)
The white rooster is standing on the fence and crowing.
(At the same time in the nearby wood)
The fox is watching him with a binoculars and is licking his lips. He goes into his hollow and takes out a cauldron full of water, puts firewoods below it, lights a fire, takes out a cookery book called "1001 Ways To Cook A White Rooster" and starts reading.
(a close shot of the text in the book)
5 onions"
The fox puts 5 onions into the cauldron...
"3 carrots"  
He puts 3 carrots in...
"and 1 white rooster"
(A white balloon goes out of his head) He imagines how he catches the rooster. Then he raises his eyebrows and makes an evil smile. He sets out for the rooster.
/fade out

/fade in
(Outside the yard)
The fox opens the door and comes in. The rooster is pecking seed. The fox is approaching quietly, moving on tiptoes. Suddenly a big fat white hen hits him with her big fist and shows him a big sign with the text: "STAY AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND!!!" The fox reads the text, nods approvingly, waves for goodbye and clears off, but the hen stretches her arm and catches his tail. She pulls her arm sharply and brings him back. Then she hits him with the sign and he flies off.
/fade out

/fade in
(Outside the yard)
The fox is hopping with a pogo stick. He reaches the fence and starts hopping on one place. Gradually he gets higher and higher. Finally he gets over the fence, jumps in and...
(Inside the yard)
...falls into a well.
/fade out

/fade in
(Outside the yard)
The fox marks the place in front of the fence where he jumped in before with a road sign depicting a well. He starts hopping with the pogo stick again on one place. Gradually he gets higher and higher. Finally he gets over the fence, jumps in and...
(Inside the yard)
...falls into a second well near the first one.
/fade out

/fade in
(Outside the yard)
The fox is walking very slowly and carefully with a bunch of dynamites in one hand and a plunger in the other. Suddenly the rooster crows and this startles the fox so much, that he jumps and loses hold of the dynamite and the plunger. While trying to catch them, he accidentally presses the plunger handle and the dynamite explodes.
/fade out

/fade in
(On a meadow)
The fox has put on a paraglider and is ready to go. He runs forwad for a while and then he lifts up. He's flying in the sky with a happy smile on his face when suddenly a Concorde airplane approaches. The fox looks at it in alarm. The Concorde's sharp nose passes through the paraglider's wing and tears it in halves. The two halves drop down. The fox is standing still in the sky. He looks down, then he looks at the camera with an sad look on his face and suddenly starts falling. He pulls a strand on his backpack and opens a parachute. He wipes his forehead and sighs in relief. But suddenly the sky gets dark and a thunderstorm starts. A lighting sets his parachute on fire and burns it. The sky gets clear again. The fox is standing still in the sky. He looks again at the camera, takes out a piece of paper and a pencil and starts writing.
(a close shot of the writing)
"My Last Will and Testament
I leave all my property to the
'Children Of The Fallen Angels' fund."
Then he waves for goodbye with a sad look on his face and starts falling.
(an aerial shot with the camera pointing down to the ground)
The fox as falling rapidly. He appears smaller and smaller until he's impossible to be seen. We only hear the sound of falling
down. Then we hear a splashing sound of falling against water.
(In the wood in front of the Fox's hollow)
The fox is in the cauldron full of water (he has fallen into it). Onions and carrots are floating on the water. He looks bothered. He shows a sign with the text: "FROM NOW ON I'M GONNA BE A VEGETARIAN !" With his other hand he takes a carrot from the cauldron and starts eating it.
/fade out

---The End---

Note: There will be other things in the story added later. It is too short at the moment.

Please, e-mail me and suggest a name for the film, tell me what you like and don't like in the story, suggest other things happening in the story. Also, if you come up with better ideas for the texts on the signs, leat me know. I'm willing to include an episode with an "unnecessarily complicated device" too. Also, suggest names for the characters (the fox, the rooster and the hen) and what kind of music to use for the film (and where to find it). I especially would appreciate if you point me out a place with a comedy music that is royalty-free (i.e: no need to contact the authors for copyrights and other boring legal stuff). Great thanks in advance!

Lyubomir Kovachev