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Tournament of Lost Souls

The Stuff:

Today's Comic! (and there is one! OMFG!)
The Archives
Thanks to all my Cameos
History summary and other useful info

Last updated: February 8th, 2005
Started: January 29th, 2004 (I think, still double checking) Comics behind: 159 (Urrm... Yeah. Good luck with that!)

Current status: On a regular updating schedual, no longer distracted with the long comic archive he was reading recently.

Bob and George Thread

Brownie and Bonus points!

To anyone who cares: When more than one comic goes up, the "Today's Comic!" link goes to the first of them then the next link will be active and you can scroll through the rest of them.

Many of the sprites in this comic were made by Capcom for the Megaman/Megaman X series, and therefore are copywritten by them. I also have numereous characters made by other people, and they will be credited with their creation once I get this all up and running.