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Sites I frequent

Manga Related Sites

Dual Translations - The place where it all began. This is the ex-manga translation group that prompted me to start up a manga-translation site myself. Go pay them a visit (They were hosting my message board until a little while back).

The Hawks - Berserk is in my top two, right next to lCdK. The Hawks have volumes 4-29 translated and ready to be leeched, so get to it. The real story doesn't really start until volume 4 anyways, so you freeloaders can leech assured.

Lovehina-Party - The site of an old forum friend of mine, who used to be a big fan of LCDK.

Manga Jouhou - Tired of re-visiting a manga translation site only to find out that you were suckered into reading another long and drawn-out translation project with no hopes of ever being completed? Well, this site won't solve your problem; but it does contain daily news regarding manga releases by many translation sites. Certainly the place to go if you are a manga addict. You have been warned.

My Beloved Webcomics

Achewood - I can't do this comic justice with just a few sentences, so sorry.

Penny Arcade - These guys are old, but they still keep me entertained from time to time. Don't they deserve a little credit on my run-of-the-mill website?

the Perry Bible Fellowship - Very morbid, and God damned hilarious. Chase Disher (More on him in About Us) actually did something productive for a change by pointing me to this site. His past follies are so very easily overlooked after visiting this site.

Sexy Losers - Don't read this at school/work.

VGCats - Lots of anime and manga parodies. Lots of fun.

White Ninja Comics - Awesome. Simple humour at its finest. Start from the beginning, because that's where the gold is at.

Sites That Are Just Too Awesome

Acts of Gord - About a videogame store owner (aka Gord) and his repeated run-ins with idiotic customers. Funny as hell? You bet. Too bad the site's dead.

Blue Laguna's Media Archive - "Your #1 source for RPG media." So it is. Download speed is a little on the slow side though.

Gendou's Anime Music - All your anime mp3 needs can now be satiated. No need to thank me.

Outpost Nine - Azrael is an english teacher in Japan. These are his stories.

The Best Page in the Universe - C'mon. Everyone and their dogs know about Maddox by now. He's done nothing more than promote his book lately, but his site still holds a special place in my cold, jaded heart.

Videogame Recaps - Jeanne Rubbo is a woman with limitless comedic potential. I highly recommend that you check out her (And only her) recaps.