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Comic 006: They Switch Places Cause Their Magical Is Now Up!


9/29/02 The Update From Hell 3: The Band Teacher Strikes Back


OK, heres another one of those days where I didn't update because of being busy. This time, I had to go to a band competition at friggen 6:00 in the morning. That means I had to get up at 5:30 just to get ready an make sure I'm at the school on time. Not to mention that I had to go to bed at 9:30, otherwise I never woulda made it up in the morning. By the time I got home, it was 6 O'Clock, I was tired, sunburned, and hot, so I just wanted to sleep. SO I never made the comic. I just got up this morning and am working on it now, so it should be up somewhere around this afternoon.

I know I go like everyother week not updating the site, but I promise, as soon as football season is over, and there is nothing left for me to go to on Friday nights, then I will update the site every Friday.


9/21/02 Finally!
Now I finally have a comic up. This is last weeks comic that I was suppost to get up, but things ruined my plans. I woulda got one up earlier, but I had band again.

And Black Hole Comics was taken off my Linkage section cause he was not pulling his weight and putting me on his site. You bad boy you.

Other than that, I hope you like the "new" design for the comic that I will use from now on. I suprises me how I've already had about 3 different designs and I've only had 5 comics. But this will stay for awhile.


9/15,02 For Fear Of Loosing My Motherboard
OK, an unexpected thunderstorm has come up, therefore, no updates, unless it stops and I can get to work. Sorry about all this. I will get one up.


9/14/02 A Real Quicky
OK, I got band tonight, so I made this real quick one for your enjoyment. I will get a new one up aswell I will update the site towmorrow.



The game sprites are Copyrighted by their respectful companies. Everything else on this site is Copyrighted by Tyler Meyer (the thexy man who is typing this now).
Either Vote Or Pay The Consequences!
It Only Takes One Second Away From Your Life And It Keeps Me Sane.


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