Welcome to KNIGHT Productions v2.0

We're actually exactly the same. The 2.0 just makes us seem cooler.

Congratulations. You are the th nerd to view my website since Janurary 13, 2005. What? That's it. You want a cookie?

Random Quote:
"Imagine how the world would have been different had Martin Luther King Jr. smoked pot.

'My fellow Americans, I...had a dream. But for the life of me I can't figure out what it was about! It was either about freedom...or fritos!'"

~ David Alan Grier

About Knight
RP Bios
Legal Junk
Misc. Images
Misc. Creations
Old Updates

Last Update, For Real This Time
August 10, 2014
I went ahead and put back up the link to the RP character bios, since let's be honest here, I'm not doing any more construction on them.

Last Update
February 20, 2008
This will probably be the last update here. Just to let you know, if anyone comes across this, this site is clearly no longer updated. Instead, go to my blog at http://knightlyreviews.blogspot.com for more knighty stuff.

Nine Months Later
December 30, 2005
No, I'm not having a baby, unless you count this fine review of Timesplitters Future Perfect. Check it out if you have time, and you should: my next review is scheduled for some time in July.

Who said I was lazy?
March 21, 2005
I've got a review up for Champions: Return to Arms. Also, I've got a new method for reviewing games. Check it out in the Reviews section. I'm too lazy to put links in my updates section.

First Big Update of the New Year
January 13, 2005
I moved all of the 2004 updates to the "Old Updates" section and reset the counter for the new year. Also, I have two new reviews up for Bloodrayne 2 and GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. Also, I updated the Contact page with my new AIM address and I updated the link to The Spriter's Resource with their new url.

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