Banner by 'Reggie' of the Top Web Comics Forums. Biggie Thanks!
Welcome to Kitty Komix,
where Angelfire can kiss my [butt]!
The site has moved to Sphosting! Click here!

Vote for Kitty Komix everyday and win a prize! Somethin' good!
Episode 13 -- Sun's Quest Begins is now up!

A Bonus Episode -- 8-Bit Who? is now up!
First Episode Latest Episode
Archives  FAQ  Kitty Komix Forum  Links  E-mail me! 
I am in no way affiliated with Lycos or HTML Gear. They have free stuff that works very easily.


5/10/02 Happy days! I was able to move the site again, but I bet you didn't even noticed. NO MORE GODDAMED ADS! If you are still using Angelfire, please click here for the new site link, and change your Favorites and bookmarks. Quick thing, the top banner may not show up. Simply add "index.html" to the browser, or just go back to the main page from an episode to fix this. I'll figure out why as soon as I can.

5/9/02 Episode 13--Sun's Quest Begins is now up for your enjoyment. Not much else to say except post on the forum for questions you want answered, ideas you have, comments, or BADLY NEEDED suggestions. No one has said anything about what I can do to Kitty Komix to make it better...which sucks. So tell me dammit!

5/8/02 DAMMIT! I wanted to update really bad today, and I probably should've, but hear me out. 3:30 P.M.--I get home. I get snackie foods and watch TV until 4 when I start to work on the comic. I try to find some of the images I need (when you see the comic, you'll understand) online. Unfortunately, my DSL was 'down.' I run Anti-Virus and all that stuff until 5:30 rolls around. I get pissed and go back to TV. Around 6:15, I leave to go to the San Jose Sharks game (PLAYOFFS BABY!) I get home at 10:30, really pissed because they lost 4-1, evening the series at 2-2. I go to the computer and the DSL is still down. "WTF?!" I think to myself. And then I realize that the modem was unplugged. So now I have a half finished comic, which will be up tomorrow.

5/7/02 Well, for anyone that thought the site needed a massive make got your wish. I think the site looks a LOT better. If you don't, please tell me, because an unattractive site wards away people like a fat kid with lice. I also put up the links page and added some buttons instead of simple text links. Right, remember to vote for Kitty Komix everyday, but don't cheat. I lost about 10 votes from someone that voted repeatadly on the same day, so I've dropped a lot. Boost the traffic of the site--I'll be your friend ;)

5/6/02 Episode 12 -- 'And So It Begins' is up. I also have a forum now! Post your questions, comments, suggestions, or free porn links there. I'm getting rid of the HTML Gear links and replacing it with a link page soon. It'll also have the many ways you can link to Kitty Komix if you feel like. If you would like to be linked to Kitty Komix, e-mail me! I have free ad space here because I like helping people. :) Right, that's the news.

5/3/02 No new comic today, but check out this amazing banner that I made!
I made this!

5/2/02 Episode 11 -- 'Cat Meets Bird' is up finally. But so is the Bonus Episode. I'm as pissed as you are about there being now new episodes in a about a week, but I've been exploring the outside world a little bit. Also, I'm lazy. Those point don't mix well. Anyway, you've got new episodes, more are coming soon. Use the Archives to get to the bonus episode or click the NEXT link at the bottom of Episode 11. Either one works. Right, time to go read other comics.

Vote for Kitty Komix, read Spelling the Vacuum, read 3-Finger Salute, and vote for them too.

4/30/02 Joy of joys! My computer's been messed up, and that's why there have been no updates since Friday. It's still not perfect, but expect a comic soon. It'll have a new character and stuff...yea. I'm gonna go see if I can make computer go work now...

4/27/02 (4 P.M.) Yeehaw, Archives are up. That's about it...I'm off to the Blink-182 concert...

4/27/02 Episode 10 -- 'The Sad Realization' is up. It's about 2 A.M. now, so I'm going to just leave you with that. Archives and message board coming soon...I think.

4/26/02 Episode 9 -- 'Cat Becomes a Zombie Vampire' is up. Shiznit! So close to having a perfectly sound HTML set up. Anyway, like the new banner? So do I. Expect a new comic over the weekend, and then some various bullcrap updates. Like a FAQ, a Cast, and an Archives page (that's important). Remember, vote for KK everyday... has a search engine for other online comics. Find stuff that is a lot better than this, or search for something completely different.
All comic images are copyright Chase Ansok 2002, and may not be reproduced or changed without personal consent (contact me). RIP OFF MY KITTY AND DIE! Banner by Reggie of the Top Web Comics forums Lycos plugs its own stuff. I am not affiliated with OnlineComics either; they are merely a search engine like Yahoo (except just for comics). If you have questions, comments, or hate mail please contact me here. Woooo...look at the small text. SHIZNIT! All links are used without permission, but I doubt they helps them anyway :P These happy days our yours and mine...HAPPY DAYS! Do a dance!