called ------> april 21, 2004

I lived on glimpses fleeting
Just out of reach from my touch
I feigned content in simply seeing
Though my heart cried out for much

Like a sharp intake of breath
gone before I even knew it was there
Fading away into the silence of death
Then returning like a sudden rush of air

A revivingly radically refreshing gust
A wonderous welling up of joy I feel it
burning into my soul and answer I must
Resolute and assured, going forward to admit

But glimpses never last long, this one too was now past
Leaving me once again passively coolly calm now
I realize it is I who let the light dwindle at last
my resolve and not the fire withering into ashes, each vow

Slipping uncontrollably, habits of old consume me
desperate to rekindle determination and passion
It's up to me; I must pursue subdued songs of my soul, then I'll see
the panoramic tangible view, bountiful not rationed

All written and graphic content within the Wistful Dreams site is © Copyright 2003-2006, S.V.W.; "Lilac," "Lynet Smith," and "Lilac~The Fainting Queen."

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