Celebrity Chat with Dave Foley
Courtesy of theglobe.com
GlobeHost: How did you like working on this film "Dick" Tell us about it and when is it in theatres? 

Dave Foley: I believe it's in theaters today. It was a lot of fun to make, It was a really fun set working with everyone and hanging out with a whole bunch of sketch comics. 

Afro_Ryan: Dave, I've been a longtime fan of the Kids in the Hall since I was SIX, and I was wondering- can you get me Kevin's hairpiece? I PROMISE to stop sending Bruce the bags of broken glass if you comply... PLEASE! P.S. Loved "The Wrong Guy" 

Dave Foley: P.S. Thanks. Kevin's hair piece is connected to Kevin and Bruce would greatly miss the bags of broken glass. 

Burnum: Can you say that word you said on Late Night last time you were on for your fans in alt.tv.newsradio? Just once? 

Dave Foley: Oh, gosh, I can say it, but you'll only be reading it, but here goes.... Vagina. 

Burnum: I really love your Conan O'Brien appearances. Please tell us that you plan to go back sometime soon! 

Dave Foley: Yeah, well, I, you know, I'll keep doing it fairly regularly as long as it's on the air and as long as I'm a celebrity. It's a really fun show to do, we hang out, we're friends. 

hesky: Just wanted to say I am a nutcase "Newsradio" fan, and I think that your the best actor out there, and that "Newsradio" is the best out there. 

Dave Foley: (laughs) Well, I can only concur. And say thank you! 

TheDarkAngyl: I was wondering whether there is going to be a group reunion for Kids in the Hall for a sequel to Brain Candy? 
Dave Foley: Well, there probably will never be a sequel to Braincandy based on it's complete lack of success. But there will be a "Kids in the Hall" reunion, we are going on tour in January. 

NewsRadioFan: If "NewsRadio" had lived to see another season, how was the staff going to get Dave to New Hampshire? 

Dave Foley: You know, I don't really know, but I'm certain it would have happened in the first episode, because we tore apart the old set, so I think I would've had to work somewhere else. Maybe they'd let me start sleeping with Lisa again, too. 

SillyPuppy: Did you make Harry Shearer do his Simpsons voices on the set of "Dick"? 

Dave Foley: No, I didn't, but I did force him to talk about "Spinal Tap" And that was as annoying as I chose to be. 

CaKaLusa: Who do you think inspired you to be an actor? 

Dave Foley: Well, so far no one has inspired me to be an actor. When that happens, I'll be glad to respond ;) (laughs) 

sublime087: Will the "Kids in the Hall" reunion be visiting southern California? 

Dave Foley: I would imagine so, three of us live there, I think definately we would. Some of the environs of L.A. as they say. 

sunnish: Heya Dave.. Are there any future TV projects that you may be a part of? 

Dave Foley: I sincerely hope so. I'm talking now with a network, shortly about maybe doing a new series. Or like Andy Dick I could keep showing up on the news. 

hesky: What was your reaction to Andy's arrest?? 

Dave Foley: Certainly not shocked, but concerned... I hoped that Andy was well and he seems to be doing quite well. You sort of get used to expecting strange things from Andy. 

Kithfan: What is your middle name? 

Dave Foley: Scott. 

sublime087: What city do you primarily live in? 

Dave Foley: Los Angeles, although back and forth to Toronto a great deal. 

GlobeHost: Were you young enough to experience the Watergate scandal? Was it a big deal in Canada? 

Dave Foley: I think it should be old enough, really. Yeah, I was 9 years old when the story broke and 11 when he resigned. I watched all the hearings every day. It was very big in Canada. We didn't know in Canada at that time that we weren't a part of the United States. 

NewsRadioFan: The Wrong Guy was such a fantastic movie; despite the bad experiences with distribution, do you think you'll try and get another of your scripts produced? 

Dave Foley: Of course, I would love to. It would be easier to do if "The Wrong Guy" was released and made it's money back. But, I'll keep writing and try to get another movie made. 

Kitana_wnyx: I'm sure you visit Toronto quite often... how do you feel about the changes taking place in your old hometown? 

Dave Foley: I love the fact that the Canadian Courts have upheld that women can be topless in public. That's a change that I fully am behind. And also that we eliminated gravity on the weekends. 

Burnum: What was it like for you to play the straight guy in Dick who is, for lack of a better term . . . pure evil? 

Dave Foley: It was fun to play it! To play someone evil. And also fun to remind people to hate Nixon. It was a very enjoyable experience. 

Stevec68: Dave, Was going to space a childhood dream Like Tom Hanks, And what Did you take away from From The Earth To The Moon? 

Dave Foley: Yeah, I wanted to go to space as a kid, I still want to as an almost middle aged man! The best thing I got from that was to learn about Apollo and to meet and spend some time with a number of the astronauts, the men that we portrayed. Pete died a few weeks back in a motorcycle accident. And it was great to meet him. 

Stevec68: Also what was it like working with the technology for nasa like the LEM and simulators? 

Dave Foley: It was kind of remarkable, the technology that went to the moon was very mechanical, not high tech. Less computing power than a wrist watch has today. That was amazing that they got to the moon and landed where they wanted to land with such little technology. The engineers working in the control rooms were still making their calculations with slide rules. 

bizwazubi: The cast of "Kids in the Hall" and "Mr. Show" made numerous cameos in "NewsRadio", was this at your suggestion, and if so, what is your relatonship with those fellas now? 

Dave Foley: It wasn't my doing, kind of just eveyone wanted to work with those guys. My relationship with them is friendly. I'm friends with some people on Mr. Show and still friends with the rest of Kids in the Hall. 

NewGeorgia: Are there any current television series that you enjoy? 

Dave Foley: Right now, one of my favorites are "Upright Citizens Brigade" on comedy central, and "South Park"... 

hesky: Was it fun doing the cameo in the "South Park" movie? 

Dave Foley: It was fun, it only took 1/2 an hour, as opposed to 2-1/2 years it took to do A Bug's Life - it was much easier. Matt and Trey are friends of mine now. It was fun to be involved in it. 

LordRider: If you could only have one word in your vocabulary what would it be? 

Dave Foley: Well that of course takes us back to "Vagina" 

Kitana_wnyx: If you were to write a headline for the release of your new movie, Dick, what would it be? :) 

Dave Foley: I can't think of anything that isn't a double entande which makes me no different than the press I've had to talk to. 

CaKaLusa: What is your favorite color? What's your fav. food? What's your fav. drink? 

Dave Foley: Green is my favorite color. Favorite food... probably steak. And favorite drink would be beer. Green is my favorite color because it is soothing and it calms the heart. 

Kitana_wnyx: Are you interested in doing animated work in the future? With your voice, that is. ;) 

Dave Foley: Yeah, in the same way I am interested in doing anything that is funny or fun, animated or not, sort of just judge it on whether I'll have fun doing it. 

Dubbsy: What kind of beer? :-) 

Dave Foley: When I'm home, Creemore Springs Ale, in the U.S. Sam Adams or Bass 

SillyPuppy: Could you tell us something memorable from your experience making "Blast From the Past"? 

Dave Foley: Working with Hugh, Brendan and Alicia and becomming friends with all those people. In fact, I'm working with Brendan again. 

Schmulcifer: Did you want to be an actor when you were a child? If not, what did you want to be? 

Dave Foley: I never really anticipated being an actor. Thought I would be a writer. Then set out to be a comedian, but working as an actor came out of that. I never really planned on it. 

frequently: What do you do to relax? 

Dave Foley: Heroin. It really works ;) 

sublime087: Do you like any magicans like Penn and Teller? 

Dave Foley: There are no other magicians like Penn and Teller, so those are the only ones I like. Oh, and Ricky J. He is an expert with car manipulation and also in a lot of David Mamet movies. 

bizwazubi: What comedians make you laugh, who do you see as being completely hilarious without compromise? 

Dave Foley: All the people from Mr. Show, Paulette Tompkins is very funny and, oh God, there are so many of them, Bobcat... Laura Kitelinger. 

Zsplifax: Do you have any advice for aspiring comedians/actors? 

Dave Foley: No, not really. I'm sleepy. Certainly not actors, I have no idea how anyone becomes an actor. For being a comedian, best advice is to just ignore eveybody. Thanks for taking some time away from the porn sites to drop in! Go see Dick!

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