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KB World

The Characters

Okay here's the deal... my characters keep on evolving as I draw them over and over again... y'know; I give them accidental hair cuts an' change stuff. So, I'm just gonna' give you their profile, and YOU (yes YOU) get to read the comics and figure out who's who. If you don't like my idea, then tough.

Liz- Happy go lucky, doesn't crack many jokes. Hangs with the KBs, the band geeks, and chorus crazies.

Jen- Tekkie. Only person in school with sunglasses cause they're perscription. Can't control fist of hurtfullness.

Jade- Pale; extremely pale. Jade's just her nick. No one knows her real name. Constantly changes her hairstyles.

Rane- 4 feet tall; too short for alot of the comic panels. Follows Liz everywhere. Likes hitting people with stools and junk.

Michelle- Normal everyday loaded stuck up popular cheerleader. Just alot of make up, skimpy clothes, and 20s. NICY

Luke- Total Jock. Plays every sport known to man, wear's those darn logos on everything, and is empty headed. Doh! NICY

Idi- Black belt in Puerto Rican Style Kick Butt. Hangs with the KBs. Double teams with Jen. Loves punching out guys. NICY

Shawn- Very empty headed lookin', but pretty smart... sometimes. Also hangs with the KBs. Personal punching bag of Idi, tho' she shares with Liz. NICY

Tawn- Shawn's twin; always tired, and most likeable of all KB. Popular only among the KB though. Extremely short. NICY

Pip- very huggable guy that doesn't like hugs, hangs with KBs and begs for food at lunch, likes poking girls and playing with their hair. NICY

Possessed Computer- Loaded with games and junk. Mondo eViL.

*NICY= not in comic yet

**KB stands for Kategoriless Bums, which is what all the KB are. Many of the KB draw. Some are just KBs cause that's who they hang with. Guilt by Association.

If you want to see the old piccys of the characters, they're with My Art