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Kaigan Ryo (Seashore Dormitories)


1. Passion

2. COMING SOON!!! (Oh My)


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About the Author/Artist

Nihao people!!!!! Welcome to Kaigan Ryo and for those who do not understand Japanese, it means Seashore Dormatories! You my dear friend will be living under the same kinky roof with the dorm's residents: Taki, Tomomi, Howard, Joh, Kelsey, Michael, Reiko, and Francin!!! Woohoo! Anyways, Kaigan Ryo is obviously by the ocean so "Beware of High-Tide". Author's note: This manga is rated NC-17 for sexual content and mature themes.*bounces eyebrows* So if you still posess virgin eyes then I advise you to click the "back" button on your browser. Otherwise, bon apetite! =^.^=

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