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mhs is a strong and unified clan that is looking for trouble. Thats right, we want a fight! Sign up today to schedule yourself a match and please provide us with the necessary information about your server. We also  request that you give us at least 24hrs. advanced notice prior to a match unless authorized by a leader.

w00t - Similar to "Woohoo!" or "YEAH!". Especially effective on the computer, but loses something in RL (Real Life) translation. Remember, that's a "Double U, Zero, Zero, Tee"

Person A: I just got a brand spanking new car! 
Person B: w00t!

[Provided BY: [mhs|k1rk]

More to come! This has been a production of Clan Morse High. If you would like to have your site listed or would like to comment or suggest something, please contact the webmaster at Thank you for your interest in mhs!

Morse High : Counter-Strike
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6 Server Info -

  - No Server at this time but locate us at anytime
  - Will have a permanent one
    at a later date.

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»   Clan Message Board
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»   Proving Grounds
»   CS Skinshack
»   Team Chisai Racers
»   *Get your site Listed*

  Clan mhs Info  - [mhs|k1rk]

  September 8tht, 2001  @ 12:40pm        

We are going to be scheduling some meetings to discuss a server and responsibilities of the clan. I will be giving access to this site to anyone for times when I am lazy. I have a very infrequent and odd school schedule so I will just have to work around it.

If you have news you wish to post please click on the 'submit news' link and fill out the short form.

 Submit your News!

  mhs members  - [mhs|k1rk]


Well recently we overgone some team difficulties. we practically died. But recently we are all back and ready for some ownage. We have me [mhs|k1rk], [mhs|JamuaRi], [mhs|heatwave], [mhs|southbound805], [mhs|x-soldier], [mhs|ShAzBoTs!], [mhs|=P], [mhs|bMar], [mhs|ironMONKEY],[mhs|ToBlErOnE], and the O.G. cs player we have TEchNiCs!!! Find us or any of your friends here on our Player search.

Player Search     in         address |  map |  player |  server 

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