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Name: Offensive Strike

Size: 168K

Author: SentryIII

Player(s): 4

Brood War Needed: No

Description: This is one of my most famous maps. Not only is it the very first offensive map ( besides Art of Offense, but that map sucks!!! no offense to whoever made it, but it is... ) , it has bases that are purely trigger generated, so there won't be much lag. Most of the attacks do not rely on just mass units to blow up everything. You have to think. You have to get passed fast units, strong units, magic users, detectors, long-range units, and even heroes. I even threw in some puzzles you have to figure out. You'll need brains and brawn to pass each level. You'll also see some special appearances from some of the best maps. That's all I can say about this map. You want more information about this map? Just play it! 1st impact wo uwamawaru sinkouni kimiha taerareruka........