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Since 2003!

Older Comics(confusing)
Newer Comics(better panels)
Robot Conspiracies The Good Days Family, Friends, and New Powers The New Armor Adventures
1.What THE F*CK? 1.Loving Friends 1.TV Death and Mike's New Toy 1.Slow Grey, Fast Zero
2.Copier 2.Jim n' Derek 2.He saves money? Derek is Free 2.No Bounty for You
3.Blast Clash 3.Jim's Stupid Past, No Joke 3.Dereks Revenge, Joe's Robots 3.Money for Nothing
4.Reprogramed 4.NOT HIM! 4.Many Distractions 4.3 Others. He's Screwed
5.Sweet Backrounds 5.Ow, Mr. Blue Man 5.Teleport Blast, and He is That Stupid 5.Slashy Slash, Saved
6.You Pay 6.He's Troy 6.Escaped. The Green One Tastes Good 6.Split The Bounty
7.Dimensional Instablility 7.Rage Power
8.Not Our Problem 8.Gullible. Run from Little Man
9.P0R Fred 9.Fast Little Prick. Joe is Shot
10.Pathetic Fred 10.New Armor, New Plan
11.Some Dude 11.Zero Enhances Derek the Gullible One
12.Portal Suck 12.Derek's Armor
13.Don't Hurt Me! 13.Sweet Dash Attack, New Enemy
14.Back To Joe's Dimension 14.Enter Brendan. Mike Can Fly!
15....Birthday? 15.Barrage of Cheap Shots
ãAll sprites to their editors, and or creators