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Monday, 19 July 2004

HmM.. OkiE DokiE.. Juz decided to uSe this as my NeW bloG.. =D

hMm.. bEen a WeeK sInce i last uPdated.. =X hoW embarassEd! =X bleahz =D hehehe =D
Anywayz.. H and A are both gone froM my life.. =) heHE =D I'm Fine i'm FinE~ i'm ReaLLy FInE.. bleahz =P wat arE thEy? oH weLL.. Juz guYs.. heHe =D bleahz =X i knoW i can depend on KeE jIa anD gRace to inTro me mORe.. heHE =D bleahz =D hehehe *Hint*Hint* hEHe =D

hMmM YesT was feelinG dOwn n Low n rOtteN and watever.. sO i jOineD Jia anD graCe.. heHe well weLL.. managed to put all other things asidE foR the daE.. hEhE bleahz.. bUt weLL lOnelinEsS StrIkes when YoU arE all alonE againz.. =) anywayz.. iT was zhi ZHao'S bdAe.. hMm i rEmembeRed hIm.. buT i diDn't thinK he would rEcoGnisE me.. hURhur =X but to my sUrprIsE.. he did! =X hMmM... okiE dokiE... had a preTty Fun tiMe with thE gErs and the guyS... to an exteNd.. hehe althouGh i prefer the gers.. lOlz =D can i be a lesbian ? =X hehE bleahz =P hMmMm sOme pIcs takeN wIf mY nEw DigiCam.. oh weLL... i Onli Juz bouGht a DiGicam.. oF coz iz new!! heHE bleahz =D

LeT mE juz find a way to post the piCs.. =X hehE =P

Posted by comics/jacqueline at 3:56 PM JST
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