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There is a place, deep inside the recesses of a gaseous expulsion of the cranium, a void which assimilates all coming within reach, a place containing all and naught at once. A place...


    The human brain is one of the most interesting  geographical locations on a map of a body, for it contains absolutely enormous amounts of knowledge and wisdom, it processes everything we see... think... feel... and yet our knowledge of how it functions is more limited than the dancing abilities of a sloth. This site is founded on a few basic principles.

1: Right and wrong do not truly exist. Right and wrong would be better thought of as rational and irrational.
2: Everyone has many different personalities. These can be thought of as who's in control, or which set of rules you follow for a given situation.
3: The common interpretation of sanity is the seamless fusion of these many personalities.
4: The sanity of this site's creator fluctuates, as does the content. Therefore, each personality has it's own section of things related to it.

This, being the main and number one page, is where any news and/or updates will be posted from time to time, when I decide to expand the depths of my public soul.

6/11/2, 5:00PM  THIS IS IT! The big kahuna, le grand legume, the stinky cheese, the stuff that doesn't stay flushed, the real meal deal, the mega in megalomania, the... yeah... I got bored again. Decided to do something constructive. Spent 2 hours scanning comics, then another 2 hours incorporating them into the site. Merry Christmas everyone. Go check 'em out after you read this other brief declaration. On a very big and important side-note, I still haven't recieved anything for the Q&A section, so SEND ME YOUR QUESTIONS!!!!!! If you don't, I'll start using more colors on this site, and I promise, you WON'T like it one bit.

5/28/2, 11:00PM  Inserted the Q&A section, although since it requires input from the outside world, it lies cold and barren in the blackness of the background and blue of the text. You people gotta send stuff in, like it says. There's a law that says so, I'm sure. If there's not, I'd better go lobby for one. Needless to say, send me stuff.

5/27/2, 12:45AM  Added all the facts about the person, including results of combinations of the 3 sides in which the person ends up being a moderator. Next addition will be some entertainment, including parts of my old site, The Dead Center of Nowhere . Since that is the closest thing you can get to a museum because of it's status as ancient history (it hasn't been updated in about 2 years), please, no flash photography.

5/26/2, 1:00AM  Nothing special. Put in the characteristics and attributes of the 3 sides. The next update will be the details of the person and how everything functions as a whole. Hopefully there will be some less psychological and more entertaining sections by the end of the week, but no promises on that.

5/25/2, 2:00AM  Site established. Just the bare bones for now, but more is soon to follow. I'd put up a flag, like countries used to do when they landed on unclaimed land, and like the US did when they landed on the moon, but I have no flag graphic, and no desire to create one at the moment. Someday, it will happen. There will be a flag. Maybe.

 The Fladjerish Side  The StatiX Side  The Fladmirian Side  The Person  Q&A  Comics

I can be contacted at , or I can be contacted via ICQ at 37817099.
All materials on this web site are copyrighted, if you wish to use any of them, please contact me, and I will most likely allow reciprocation of these materials, I just need to know where they will be reciprocated and for what purpose. Pure and simple.