



1985 - NAMCO


Achem. pass the peyote.

MANY MOONS PASS since the NAMCO drove the white ship beast down from the mountain. It looked around itself, bucking and snorting. It was good.

Soon the insects became jealous and began flying in blocks, for color co-ordination and fun. The NAMCO Drove the shippy thing before it to lay the bugs low. To strike terror in their hearts and earn points. earn many points.

but the ship only got to the fourth level because it got hit by a stray bullet. curses.

Some say that the white ship is still out there, driving the insects across some stars. Some say the first group of people are high on peyote. I know I am.

What liked: higher replay value than a really high thing

What disliked: stray bullets, my swiss cake induced hazes, bugs in a general sense, the color orange

What to expect: bugs flying in shootable formations.

What's so different from this and other games of it's genre: The most playable game since “hit someone with a stick”

Ratings on:

Control: 10 (not much to it. works great)

Graphics: 5 (super-basic.)

Sound: 3 (practically nonexistent, something like BEEP BOOP BIBOPOOP!!!)

Style: 6 (nothing really new, but damn, is this fun)

Difficulty: ? (not sure what to say. I’m not sure this game even ends.)

1st hour: Bugs! me fly. bang.

5th hour: Cooler than a penguin’s buttocks. which is cool.

1st week: I challenge the challenging stage to a challenge.

5th week: Uh. Does this game end? At least I have my swiss cake rolls. Hmmmmmm. . . (chomp)

#1 reason why I hate this game: Stray bullets

by Freeohio, Nature’s answer to SARS