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Dan O’Halloran


Sec. 31

There Is A Career Involving Science

Pharmaceutical Sales:

This is a very important job and my big brother has this career. He tells me that he has to fulfill a quota each month for selling different kinds of medicine. He must rech that quota, if he surpasses it he gets a bonus, but if he does not meet it he gets a pay cut. He meets with other representatives for different buisnesses and makes deals while his boss treats them to dinner or sometimes sporting events. Brad says it is an excellent job.


Brad tells me that a lot of experience in this field was not really needed to get the job from where he started. However, he did need a college degree, he majored in pharmaceutical sales at the University of Michigan. He was looking for a job in that field and he applied, he got the job with no experience but a lot of knowledge. From fulfilling and surpassing his quotas regularly he achieved a higher position, where he got to represent his company at many events and raise his payroll.


Nature of the Work:

Brad does not usually work in an office, he does not even have a set schedule, he has a quota for the month and he has several set dates to meet with other companies but his whole office is basically one large portfolia which he carries around. His work day can start or end whenever he wants except for the set dates which are usually 9:00 a.m. meetings.

His social environment is extremely good, his boss gives him hundreds of dollars to spend on himself and other buisnessmen when they go to eat or to a bar. This is to treat others nice and make them buy their product. He spends no time in a cubicle and he has several hours set up each week for meetings and events.

Typical Salary:

For a pharmaceuticals career, just like most careers you need to start at the bottom and work your way up . You start as a Pharmaceutical salesman and you can make between $42,000 and 60,000. After a raise in position you will become a pharmaceutical representative, here you will receive a company car and a salary between 60,000 and 80,000 dollars. There is room for bonuses if you can surpass your quotas enough you can get up to $30,000 extra cash. After you are in the system for a while you will become pharmaceutical sales manager. This has a salary range og 80,000 to 100,000 dollars and this is when you receive the title, "bigshot".


1) Pharmaceutical Sales C-A-R-E-E-R Resource Center copyright 2000, 2001 RX Publications.

2) Salary Survey


I chose to investigate this career because Brad is one of my good friends set up through the Big Brother Foundation . I find Brad’s career choice very interesting and I think it is a really cool and relaxed job. I would definately consider entering this career because it sounds like it can be a olt of fun if you are good at what you’re doing. I like how he can set up his own hours for the most part and he is given money to spend on other people and he often attends sporting events for free. The only thing I don’t like about pharmaceutical sales is that if you don’t meet your quota you get a pay cut, but that can be avoided.