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The Comic
Suit Gallery
About IES
Slick Prod.

Yeah, i'm just gonna put random sketches and drawings in here... they may or may not be from IES. WOOHOO!.... Right.

Here's a girl that I drew. I love girls.

A ninja!!! Threw in the IES thang for fun.

Some axe guy... Prolly going into IES

Me... Anime Style! Yes, since I look so cool, i'll put it in IES.

This is an excellent looking character, given the name "Darkstone"

Here's something i did real quick so it's low quality, but i wanted to make an colored anime pic of me, so yeah.

Pete's Latest, a ninja stylin brotha named Akado Uranda...

AHAHAHAHA... Made in Japan, FINISHED IN CHINA. I dunno, I just found it funny. GO CHINA!