
A new and sudden threat has emerged from the depths of the squalid educational institution known as GHS. This mysterious new threat has come in the form of a barrier, invisible to the eye of common man, but visible to the eyes of homosexuals everywhere. Yes, this invisible barrier exists on the GHS campus and, when walked through, transforms the student, teacher, administrator, or pedophiliac campus monitor into techno loving, roller-blading, tight pant wearing homosexuals, or as the French call them, fags.

The first case of this took place several years ago when a young aspiring biology teacher took the back way out of his assigned building. He exited the door and saw two paths that can be taken to return back to the campus walkways. He saw one leveled walkway and one that went along the path of a drain. When asked about which path he took, the biology teacher, now 43 years old, replied by stating, “Well. I chose the drainage path because it looked fun.” Mr. Shingle, a teacher with no past whatsoever, said that he “walked down that super sexy path” and felt a breeze. All of a sudden, Shingle heard a soft sound. He heard what he described as “that mega cool techno. I never heard it before. It was totally bitchin’.” Shingle said that he began to see almost everything in different colors. It was like he “skipped through a rainbow.” When he got out of the “rainbow,” as Shingle recounts, he was dressed in polyester clothing and really tight jeans.

Since his oh so “gay” experience, approximately 459 Puerto Ricans, 125 Colombians, 410 Dominicans, and 3 Caucasians have been “transformed.” We here at “Word of Mouf” urge every single reader to beware of this “Fag Walkway.” If you haven’t already been warned of this hidden danger, we’ve included a picture of it below. The picture on the right is what it looks like in the perspective of a common man while the picture on the right is what it looks like in the perspective of someone who has already been transformed. If when viewing both pictures, you see rainbow effects for both, you’ve walked through it and there is nothing much you can do to fix this problem. The only thing we advise you do is run to church. Run to it, give it all your money, and pray for forgiveness because God hates gays.

article written by the association of nuns against gays, not guns (ANAGNG)