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My Quizzes!!!!

I really just made this site for all my online quiz results since I don't have room for them all on my NeoPets shop!!! k, so here goes:

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am an overly happy A.D.D kitten

Which cute or possibly strange kitten are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You see the would in Red, Green, and Blue
Red/Green/Blue: To you, the world is logical. Everything happens
for a reason, life is scientific. You like to
find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this
quiz in order to realize this.
Made by

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

find your inner PIE @

discover your inner candy heart @

I took the fruity fruit quiz
made by rav-chan
Check out which fruit you are

this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan

Mmm...I'm Ariel!
Which Disney Princess are You?Find out!
Pretty!  I'm a buttercup!
Which Flower Are You?Find out!
Aah...I'm psycho!
Are You Crazy??Find out!
Yummy...I'm an Entree!
Which Part of a Meal Are You?Find out!
Woohoo! I'm Pooh!
Which Kid's TV Character are You?Find out!
Which Rugrat Are You??
Which Rugrat Are You?
You are brave and are a good friend. You love to explore and go on adventures and you may be even called a leader.You are full of ideas and have a great imagination. You are daring and nothing gets in your way!

See which Greek Goddess you are.

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the McDonalds Product Test by Matio64 here!

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

What Pattern Are You?

Which Lion King Character Are You?
Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

You're the HREF tag- you need someone to lean on and take care of you. You can be shy but you shine in difficult situations.

I am a fridge!
what kitchen utensil are YOU?

Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

What kith are you? Find out here.

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

take the non-offensive quiz.
and go to laura = great.

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?

Click here to take the quiz!

discover what candy you are @

A GREEN Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Green Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the embodiment of Nature and the Earth. Greens spend almost all of their time below the canopy or just above the treetops in tropical rain forests. Not a bad life considering every other creature in the forest looks up to me, figuratively and literally. I speak the language of every animal and plant in my domain and know most of them by first name. If people mess with my forests, I'm more than happy to wail on their puny butts. Because of my protector/caretaker role, I am the Earth Elemental dragon.

Naturally my whole life pretty much revolves around the other couple million species I keep an eye on, but that's not my whole dragon. I also like to like to impose my steadfast will on others, commune with Nature, and lobby governments for alternative fuels and conservation. My favorable attributes are gemstones, mountains, caves, soil, respect, endurance, responsibility, prosperity, and purpose in life. Folks shouldn't get the idea I'm a hippy pushover though, because my breath weapon is a nasty Fire/Acid combination. Maybe I should invest in a hemp shirt reading "Don't knock my smock, or I'll clean your clock." *wink*

Hey, don't be ashamed! Some of the world's most profound thinking has been done on the can.
If you were a room in a house, what room would you be?

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

Your magical style is Druidic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

quiz created by Tsukitty

Congratulations, you're a Dryad, a playful tree spirit.
What kind of female faerie are you?
Take the female faerie quizby Paradox

Congratulations, you're Boston, the rebel city.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
If I were a Neopet... I'd be a Draik!

These cute little Dragons appeared in Neopia one day without much warning at all... It's as if they came from another world.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

Which Sailor Scout are you?

Which PPG are you?
I am linus
Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

Get Music From Blue Horizon!

tadia got their NeoPet at
tadia got their NeoPet at
tadia got their NeoPet at
tadia got their NeoPet at