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Welcome to my little "Hot Spot".
This is my very first web site...EVER!!
I'm excited that you've come to look at all
the art & literary skillz that will be displayed in this site.
Thanx a bunch ;)!

Now, keep in mind that this site is
dedicated to Bust-A-Groove/Move's very own
hottest dancer, Heat!
Of course, Heat isn't the only one here.
The hardest muthaf#*%a in BaG/BaM
is in here, too...Strike!
You will also find
characters from other vids here.
"Who" you ask...
check out this site & you'll see.
Hope you enjoy it.

anyone that is here to view
ANYTHING StrikeXHeat oriented...
LEAVE NOW, for you will be very disappointed.
There will be NO YAOI in this site,

Also, keep in mind that
this site is under construction.
So, please, be patient!
I gaurantee that you will
NOT be disappointed:)!

So, with that said, check out some of these "Hot Spots"

Fan Art

Fan Fiction

Fan Funnies

FyreByrd's Art

FyreByrd's Fiction

FyreByrd's Funnies

All About This FyreByrd

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Where a thug can be a thug (dedicated to BAG's Strike)
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© 2002 by FyreByrd