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Crimson Arachnid: moo
BreakBothYaLegs: Nobody likes you.
Crimson Arachnid: yay
Crimson Arachnid: now my life is complete
BreakBothYaLegs: That's not a yaying thing
BreakBothYaLegs: Nor an objective
BreakBothYaLegs: :hat
Crimson Arachnid: anywho, we need to be able to talk with gd soon
BreakBothYaLegs: Yeah.
Crimson Arachnid: he hasnt sent me a PM in awhile and we need to discuss the plot odf the Entillijentrix
BreakBothYaLegs: Besides the fact it's his birthday, the site should be up soon.
BreakBothYaLegs: We have a plot.
Crimson Arachnid: im not getting him anything for his birthday
Crimson Arachnid: i mean, a more specific plot
Crimson Arachnid: e have the general plot
Crimson Arachnid: *we
BreakBothYaLegs: Like a romantic comedy between ronal and Gd, and the obsticals between them.
BreakBothYaLegs: ?
Crimson Arachnid: no we need to know how we're gonan carry everything out
Crimson Arachnid: we need specific plot details
Crimson Arachnid: characters
Crimson Arachnid: etc
BreakBothYaLegs: Our plot really is random.
BreakBothYaLegs: REally no need for a plot
Crimson Arachnid: not for the matrix thing its not
Crimson Arachnid: it has a plot
Crimson Arachnid: well, occasionally it will
BreakBothYaLegs: That's what I mean
Crimson Arachnid: the matrix spoof is a plot
Crimson Arachnid: once in awhile we will have plotlines
BreakBothYaLegs: Exactly
Crimson Arachnid: the matrix thign being our first major plotline
Crimson Arachnid: which wqe stil lhave many details to work out
Crimson Arachnid: i.e. characters, events, jokes, etc.
Crimson Arachnid: although it doesnt have to be "joke" funny
BreakBothYaLegs: Or you should buy Everquest
Crimson Arachnid: it could just be overall funny, like megatokyo
Crimson Arachnid: i gawts me a deviantart account
BreakBothYaLegs: Gratz.
BreakBothYaLegs: Lvl 12 clr LFG
Crimson Arachnid: yuwp
BreakBothYaLegs: WTS your soul?
Crimson Arachnid: hmm?
BreakBothYaLegs: 2 pp.
Crimson Arachnid: i dont speak nerd, im sorry
BreakBothYaLegs: /ooc You dont speak Everquest
Crimson Arachnid: aka nerd
BreakBothYaLegs: Evercrack.
BreakBothYaLegs: The stoner game.
Crimson Arachnid: everquest is for losers
Crimson Arachnid: rag is where its at
BreakBothYaLegs: XD
BreakBothYaLegs: Rag is for the poor.
BreakBothYaLegs: It's where rags orignate from (clever am I)
Crimson Arachnid: r4g i5 4 t3h 1337
BreakBothYaLegs: Haxxor is nerd
Crimson Arachnid: no im speaking l33t you dumbass
Crimson Arachnid: and im not fluent
Crimson Arachnid: therefore im not a nerd
BreakBothYaLegs: That means your a wanna-be nerd.
Crimson Arachnid: no, i do it to make fun of people who talk like that
BreakBothYaLegs: w3rd
Crimson Arachnid: entillijens shall have stoners who speak l33t
Crimson Arachnid: and online gamer ninjas
BreakBothYaLegs: 570/\/3RZ?
Crimson Arachnid: y35
BreakBothYaLegs: Oh yeah, Psy's work is hilarious.
BreakBothYaLegs: Well his feeble attempts really.
Crimson Arachnid: 4/\/|) (4/\/4|)i4/\/ P1R4735 \/\/3 \/\/i11 \-\4\/3
BreakBothYaLegs: Whoo!
Crimson Arachnid: god, that took me long to translate.....
BreakBothYaLegs: Canada!
Crimson Arachnid: yes
Crimson Arachnid: home of bacon that isnt really bacon
BreakBothYaLegs: Wait
Crimson Arachnid: yes
Crimson Arachnid: but
Crimson Arachnid: canadian pirates are cool
BreakBothYaLegs: Should they be arch enemies attempting to destroy the bunny in the great legacy of the comic.
BreakBothYaLegs: Yes, they should.
Crimson Arachnid: the trix bunny
Crimson Arachnid: shall be his vengeful cousin
Crimson Arachnid: cuz hes mad we always feed him trix for breakfast
Crimson Arachnid: take that back
Crimson Arachnid: his vengeful third cousin twice removed
Crimson Arachnid: they were very close growing up
BreakBothYaLegs: It's like bunicula only more violent and less pop-up-booky!
Crimson Arachnid: plus the bunny is psycotic and continually beats me at tekken
Crimson Arachnid: and i get enraged a lot
BreakBothYaLegs: The trix rabbit was picked on.
BreakBothYaLegs: By small children
BreakBothYaLegs: Like you!
Crimson Arachnid: and near the middle of the story the bunny will have made enemies all across the world and we all plot to kill him
Crimson Arachnid: he will eat all the popcorn at the movie theater concession stand
BreakBothYaLegs: And for the matrix scene.
BreakBothYaLegs: You beat on the security guards in tuxes.
Crimson Arachnid: he will kick ass the ninjas asses at ssbm
Crimson Arachnid: he will knaw on the leader of japan's head
Crimson Arachnid: and piss on the head of squaresoft's shoes
Crimson Arachnid: the bunny shall stab the canadin pirate captain with a sword
Crimson Arachnid: and chuck 'bacon' at the canadian prime minister
BreakBothYaLegs: Is he by chance the one behind that one dwarf in the cave at
BreakBothYaLegs: Crushbone that kills you in EQ?
Crimson Arachnid: then throw a quarter into the streets of mexico and let all the innocent people beat the shit out of eachother for it
BreakBothYaLegs: XD
Crimson Arachnid: he will make fun of steve irwin's accent
BreakBothYaLegs: Will he taunt the first white rapper, The cat in the hat?
Crimson Arachnid: and we all assume he is australia cuz nobodys ever heard of any other aussie
Crimson Arachnid: hahaha
Crimson Arachnid: he'll single handedly bring communism back to russia
Crimson Arachnid: and...uhh.....
BreakBothYaLegs: No equal government will ever get put back in Russia on my guard.
Crimson Arachnid: who else should he make his enemy?
BreakBothYaLegs: Mcdonald
Crimson Arachnid: naw
BreakBothYaLegs: He's the most picked on.
Crimson Arachnid: if he did something bad to mcdonalds
Crimson Arachnid: everyone would like him
BreakBothYaLegs: He'd be liked?
Crimson Arachnid: and our goal is to get everyone to hate the bunny
Crimson Arachnid: so therfore
Crimson Arachnid: the bunny's only allies
Crimson Arachnid: will be the people hated
Crimson Arachnid: osama, saddam, george bush, and bill gates
BreakBothYaLegs: That bastard.
Crimson Arachnid: hahaha
Crimson Arachnid: yeh
Crimson Arachnid: bill gates is the ruler of america
BreakBothYaLegs: Like the Mgs 2 plot?
Crimson Arachnid: so thats what makes it a challenge
Crimson Arachnid: the world is up against satan
Crimson Arachnid: but this doesnt happen all at once
BreakBothYaLegs: I know.
Crimson Arachnid: rather, the bunny will offend certain people during certain plotlines
Crimson Arachnid: and the whole world vs. bunny thign wil lbe the climax of the series
BreakBothYaLegs: Did he take a penny, but never leave one?
Crimson Arachnid: YES
BreakBothYaLegs: Bunny wins.
Crimson Arachnid: that bastard
Crimson Arachnid: yeh, bunny wins
Crimson Arachnid: he leads them all to mexico
BreakBothYaLegs: Like that one bunny in monty python.
Crimson Arachnid: and throws a dollar into the street
Crimson Arachnid: and the humans destroy themselves
BreakBothYaLegs: No, the mexacans do that.
Crimson Arachnid: cuz, we all know those mexicans can be quite vicious with threir lawn mowers
BreakBothYaLegs: They are poor.
Crimson Arachnid: exactly
Crimson Arachnid: the mexicans take out everybody including themselves
Crimson Arachnid: and the world is left in a state of anarchy
Crimson Arachnid: where the bunny rules al
Crimson Arachnid: *all
Crimson Arachnid: but...we'd need to leave an opening for a sequel
BreakBothYaLegs: Than Canada forms its own Content
BreakBothYaLegs: *Continent
Crimson Arachnid: crimson, bruised and lying in a pool of overweight hispanic people, says, gasping for air, "j00 |-|a\/3/\/7 533/\/ 73h 1457 0f /\/\3...."
Crimson Arachnid: and the last scene of the series is him standing on a pile of rotted mexican flesh, triumphant
BreakBothYaLegs: And I step on him.
Crimson Arachnid: and you fall from the sky and squash him
Crimson Arachnid: cuz, you can fly
Crimson Arachnid: but only for a short time
Crimson Arachnid: then a long pause
Crimson Arachnid: and then
BreakBothYaLegs: A baboon grabs hold of me.
BreakBothYaLegs: Holds me over a cliff.
Crimson Arachnid: evil:"so......wanna play some everquest?"
Crim:"Meh, why not?"
*they walk away, and it ends with a close up of the world in ruins*

BreakBothYaLegs: Maw ideaa ish batta
BreakBothYaLegs: The lion kind ending.
Crimson Arachnid: but a baboon doesnt fit in with anything
BreakBothYaLegs: Exactly.
Crimson Arachnid: unless you're personalitiy throughout the series is that you're paranoid a baboon is going to jump you from behind every moment of your life
BreakBothYaLegs: It's the lion king simba thing
Crimson Arachnid: i like the idea tho that
Crimson Arachnid: a rabid baboon jumps you from behind and bites your head
BreakBothYaLegs: No, idiot.
Crimson Arachnid: and that will relate to the whole series
Crimson Arachnid: and nobody will suspect it
BreakBothYaLegs: Fool.
BreakBothYaLegs: You know how the baboon in lion king holds Simba over the rock thing, and the animals call.
BreakBothYaLegs: The music plays, and he drops me.
Crimson Arachnid: heh
BreakBothYaLegs: You walk up to my bloody mound of a body, and ask me the everquest thing.
Crimson Arachnid: ok
Crimson Arachnid: but wait
Crimson Arachnid: when he hold simba over the cliff
Crimson Arachnid: all the animals cheer
Crimson Arachnid: theres no one left alive to cheer
BreakBothYaLegs: Accept the canadians.
Crimson Arachnid: hahaha
BreakBothYaLegs: They make their native noises.
Crimson Arachnid: ah
Crimson Arachnid: i get it
Crimson Arachnid: canadians dont count as "the human race"
BreakBothYaLegs: Exactly.
Crimson Arachnid: so technically, it could work
BreakBothYaLegs: The canadians should look like baboons.
BreakBothYaLegs: With red asses, and furryness.
Crimson Arachnid: *baboon holds evil up to the sunrise*
BreakBothYaLegs: *music plays*
Crimson Arachnid: *canadians continually go "eh?" while cheering*
Crimson Arachnid: *evil is dropped*
BreakBothYaLegs: *baboon purposly drops me*
Crimson Arachnid: *canadians continue cheering*
BreakBothYaLegs: It dances while I drop.
Crimson Arachnid: *canadiaqns go rabid and j8ump baboon, ripping it to shreds*
Crimson Arachnid: *we watch them feast on it from a corner*
BreakBothYaLegs: The baboon should be tripped by something.
Crimson Arachnid: *then crim asks evil if he wants to play everquest, and then leave the world to be overrun by canadians*
Crimson Arachnid: and then later on comes "Entillijens 2: Canadian Slayers"
BreakBothYaLegs: "You cant play Everquest moron, your a cheepass" "I can learn, Evil, I can learn." "Arent those the words that started the Canadian race started?"
Crimson Arachnid: "that started the canadian race started"?
Crimson Arachnid: that made no sense
BreakBothYaLegs: Well neither do you
BreakBothYaLegs: *Arent those the words that started the Canadian race?
Crimson Arachnid: "arent those the words that started the canadian race?"
Crimson Arachnid: "they sure are, evil, they sure are."
BreakBothYaLegs: *Logo comes up*
BreakBothYaLegs: Fucking hilarious I say.
BreakBothYaLegs: We rule.
Crimson Arachnid: we do
Crimson Arachnid: dude
Crimson Arachnid: this is like
Crimson Arachnid: the most original and funniest thing
Crimson Arachnid: ever
Crimson Arachnid: wiat
Crimson Arachnid: what about GD?
Crimson Arachnid: we cant have him die?
Crimson Arachnid: or CAN we?
BreakBothYaLegs: We think he's dead.
Crimson Arachnid: ok
BreakBothYaLegs: But the rabbit is his pet!
Crimson Arachnid: nono
Crimson Arachnid: in the second one
BreakBothYaLegs: He thirsts vengance
Crimson Arachnid: he comes back to lead the human resistance
Crimson Arachnid: against the canadians
Crimson Arachnid: woah...we're planning too far into the future.....
BreakBothYaLegs: Yeah
BreakBothYaLegs: Dont get your hopes up.
Crimson Arachnid: yeh
Crimson Arachnid: but
Crimson Arachnid: im definately gonna save this conversation
BreakBothYaLegs: Okay.