The Hampster and The Cat Homepage

Welcome people, this is The Hampster and The Cat Homepage. In case you didn't know, this all originated from my other website, Sheeba Online, and I liked them so much I started a completely new site, just for them. Not all of them are here yet. If you want to see them all now, go to the link at the bottom, The Origin Of The Hampster and The Cat. Enjoy the site. I have some new episodes ready, I just have to put them on a disk from my other computer, cause it doesn't have internet. Should be done by tomorrow.

This is the first episode of The Hampster and The Cat.

Episode 1: The Microwave
Cat: Meow
Hampster: HAHAHA!!!
Hampster: Shit Yeah!
Cat: Meow...
Hampster: Peace Bitch!
Hampster: Oh, Crap, FIRE!!
Hampster: AHHH!
Cat: Ha,Ha!
Hampster: Fuck-off!
This is the episode that started it all!
Here is the second episode!
Episode 2: The Double Feature
Part 1: The Chair
Hampster: This isn't cool, man!
Cat: You're gonna die, bitch
Hampster: You're a fuckin' idiot!
Cat: Screw-off, Hampster!
Part 2: A Walk In The Park
Cat: *whistling*
Cat: What's that sound?
Hampster: HAHAHA!!!
Hampster: Ahhh!
I know, the second episode is a double feature, which makes no sense, oh well. I was on a role that day, they were short, well shorter than the others, so I put them together...

This is the third episode!

Episode 3: Hampster Goes To Nazi-Land
Hampster: Yay!
Cat:Die, Hampster!
Hampster: Oh, shit!
Cat: No, wait, I'm not a Nazi!
Cat: Shit!
Hampster: Ha,h...
This is my favorite episode so far!

The Fourth,YAY!!

Episode 4: The New Guy...
Cat: I'll kill you!
Hampster: You'll Die!
Cat: Hiya!
Hampster: Shit!
Guy: Cual es sus nombres?
(What are your names?)
Hampster & Cat: Huh...
Hampster: Who the hell are you?
Guy: Mi nombre es Esperandoza.
(My name is Esperandoza.)
Cat: Oh well, KILL HIM!
Esperandoza: No es muerto!
(No don't kill)
Cat: Hiya!
Esperandoza: No!
Hampster: Now to finish!
Cat: Huh..
Cat: Dumbass!
Hampster: Shut Up!
Hampster: The tree ash is falling..
Esperandoza: El,crapo...
(What the fuck do you think it means)
Cat: Well, he's dead!
Hampster: He ain't coming back!
The whole point of introducing Esperandoza had no point, I just wanted them to kill someone other then themselves. Also, for some comedy because he's mexican, with a sombrero.

The very first specially made cartoon!

Special Episode 1: The Corner
Cat: Man, where are the sluts!
Hampster: I don't know!
Cat: Oh, wait, there's one!
Slut: Hey come over here, baby!
Hampster: Hell Yeah!
Cat: What's your name, slut?
Slut: I'm Polly.
Hamspter: Oh shit, she got every STD known!!!
Polly: I'm not a whore!
Cat: Kill the bitch!
Hampster: Yeah!
Cat: Now, let's find some clean bitches!
Hampster: Fuck Yeah!
Not many know this, but I made this right after the eleventh episode (you thought there were six didn't you) and I couldn't wait so I put it up right away.

The fifth, bitch! ??Do I really have to write what they're saying?...

Anyway, I made this episode for people that can't read anything. But the original jumbo thing, here's how it goes...

Me: Shit, my pen died, I can't make episode 5!!!
Barker: Oh, crap!
Me: You got a blue pen?
Barker: No...
Ricky: I got a blue marker, make a big one.
Me: Jumbo Edition... Fuck Yeah!
Teacher: Shut Up you three.
Me: I kill you now.
That's how that happened.

The sixth joker card, cartoon thing...

Episode 6: Trickery
Cat: That damn Hampster is coming again!
Hampster: I'm sorry, I want to be your friend.
Cat: Really!
Hampster: No!
Cat: Shit!
Cat: Dude, you really suck!
Hampster: Fuck You!
Another quick episode, but aren't they all. Currently I have about fifteen episodes and I'm too damn lazy to put them on the internet. On better news, I am currently working on a ten-page book of The Hampster and The Cat, it will be all one episode, look out for that.

Episode 7 Yay!

Episode 7: Taco Bell
Guy: Can I take your order?
Cat: I want a chilito and...
Voice: Hey!!
Cat: WHAT? I'm trying to get a chilito.
Hampster: I wil kill you.
Hampster: HAHAHAHA!!
Cat: Now I'll kill you, with a spork!!
Hampster: NO!!!!
Cat: What the hell, COLOR???
Esperandoza???: I have come back for you!!
Cat: Oh, shit!...DIE!!!
Esperandoza: Huh, A SPORK!!! AHHH!
Cat: Hiya!
Esperandoza: No!
(Side note, I didn't feel like writing spanish, so he speaks English now.)
Cat: Dammit, color again... Oh, well time to die...
I love this episode because of the spork, that's all that's important. Oh, the next will be in full color!

EPISODE EIGHT!!! COLOR!!! I'll put up the script soon!
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The Places You Need To Know About!

The Holy Halls Of Sheeba!
The Origin Of The Hampster and The Cat
Can't forget Barker
