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Half a Penny Mondays Comics

Too True to be Good



There will be no more updates at Halfpenny...

Well at least not here specifically. We've moved, because of some technical difficulties here at Angelfire. So hop on over to the more professional-than-stupid-Angelfire service Keenspace, and check out the new design and comics. It's been fun, cião.



1004 2002

2500 hits! w00t!!!

Yet another Leo rant is up, someone's feeling wordy.

0804 2002

One week left. "VSSP Teaser 3: joie de vivre" is up!

A new, and of course VSSP related, poll is up!

Leo's new rant is up.

Mini-chat has been removed (see Leo's rant)

0504 2002

Another one? Sheesh! "VSSP Teaser 2: Where are we?" is up!

0104 2002

Happy Easter, Poisson d'Avril! For those who are interested, "VSSP Teaser 1" filler is up!

New poll is up

2903 2002

Good Friday is good, really. Filler "DIspicable" is up

2503 2002

A new poll is up

2403 2002

The utterly disturbing but laugh out loud funny "Stripped of a Filler" by Dom is up!

Dom's new rant is up

Leo's new rant is up

VSSP is coming...

2103 2002

Come on, take it easy on us, it was March Break, "Dominic-san wa oishii desu!" is up though.






Happy Easter!!!

Bad news and good news day today. No comic today, but the filler is just as nice and I'm sure some of you would prefer this over a real comic. As you can see, VSSP is coming soon and in the few weeks left here at 'Original' Halfpenny, there wont be much till VSSP. But we will have things for you every Monday and Friday.

Now we had 4 major announcements.

1. When is VSSP here (completed)

2. What is VSSP (soon)

3. --- -------, out biggest change yet. [secret till VSSP starts]

4. - ------ - ----, Ultra MEGA secret!!!!

Now, today is April fool's so I'd like to wish you all a Happy April Fool's day (??). If anyone wants to play a prank on us here's how to do it:

Send us both one of these! =)



Well it seems that I apparently have to write something here. I don't have much to talk aobut hte comic since I wasn't really one of hte orgional stuff though I'm quite respected cause of **cocks gun** Besides that I probably won't write too much about myself cause I have my oown site but my chracter and a little tiny sidekick will be introduced into the next comic so that's what's up next. Look forward to it, for what else do you really have to live for?



1004 2002


     Wouldja believe it? I actually updated TheSquaredCube, after three months of inactivity. I plan to be posting any sort of non-halfpenny art up on a third page, so TheSquaredCube will become a blog/en site permanently! Yay!


Dom, in a self made green blazer, grey pants combo, gratuitously ripped off from Leo's sprite.

Jess, sporting red-tinted hair, a red PRC shirt, and platforms. Sprite and style supplied by Leo.

Leo, wearing a mandatory school uniform, and making it look *good*.



Awesome Forum-ness!


(Oops, due to some... 'difficulties', the mini-chat/comment box has been removed by the Halfpenny staff. You can politely leave your comments in the Forum, or in the Poll comments below. You can get your own mini-chat  here anyways.)


Guestbook stuff:

     Sign it

     Browse it

     Stupid mandatory button:


     Old stoopid guestbook stuff

     Browse it


And poll!





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