Gub and Donut's Fan Comic Contest!

Well here it is folks, I'm sure lots of you are interested so I'll talk away. I am going to begin a contest in a couple days in which you (the fans) send in your very own comics. Now, the idea is NOT to create your very own rendition of Gub and Donut, because that woul dbe just silly and prove that this was really nothing special cuz you could do it al yourselves. No, the idea here is to create a totally original comic and submit it. This is actually where the submitting will be done once it gets under way. But yes, they will be submitted, I will post them on the site and we'll have a series of votes to see who's is the best! The winner will get some sort of prize depending on what they want to do with the comic. It could be anything from just sticking it on the website, to having your main character featured in a commemorative Gub and Donut strip, to me getting your webpage up and running for your very own series! Anyway, stay tuned and remember, Gub and Donut love you!
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