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Gene's Hompage-Go Somewhere!
Action Figure & Statues
Gene's Hompage-Go Somewhere!
So, Where do you want to go?

Welcome To

...BookMark Me, Baby!!!

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this and checking out my page. :)

It has been quite a long time since I updated my web page. I apoligize if you have been looking for updates and I have been lacking. No time! ;> Well, I have finally made some time and got down and done it.
- I updated Pictures, nothing new, but a much cleaner and sweeter interface to check out the pictures I have posted here. Since I now have a scanner(that works) I will try to scan in some of my pictures I drew and update my picture page even more. So check back. ;)
- I updated Stuff as well, I added a section for aiding you in making VCD. Check it out! This is where I have been spending my extra time.
- I also updated my Links, which is my most current bookmarks with a Java script format.

Send your thoughts to the Babbling Madman. Click on the email link in the menu or find me with ICQ - at #2493524...Just click on the flower.
