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Griffin Fire Comics

Total Crap
Random drawings
Fanart (New!)

(last update) 5/12/05 New: message okay, here's the lowdown. I am not doing ANY comics until I get good enough at drawings. keep sending me your fanarts or random drawings. I have been having technical difficulties, but when I finally learn how to get drawings up here, there will be drawings aplenty. Bye. (last update) 2/14/05 New: message/correction oops! sorry! I wrote it wrong! "Epidemic" is not my practice comic. "9 Ball" is! I have changed that, so I hope it clears things up a bit. I have gotten about one fanart/misc drawing, and will be posting them soon. (last updated) 2/4/05 New: fanart/visitor drawings well, if you know my e/snail-mail send me your drawing. if you are a complete stranger, then I am sorry, but you'll just have to wait until I get a second e-mail just for this! also note that when it is e-mailed, make sure that you do not put any text in the email, just the picture, and in the subject, put the title, your desired artist name, and if you want it in Misc. or Fanart, and when snail-mailed, send the drawing, and on a seperate sheet of paper, write the information that would normally go under the subject in an e-mail. thanks! (last updated) 2/2/05 New: Random drawings. c00l. a new excus3 failz m3. w00t. (last updated) 1/30/05 new: comics: edited. character bios: scrapped. sorry, but some major parts of the 'site I had to scrap due to a virus spread among artists' websites caused by either artist's block or lack of talent known as "Dubiously-Horrific-Stomach-Eviscerating-Bad-Art." P.S: the above mentioned "virus" can be shortened to "DHSEBA." also, it is not a real virus, just a gag to makpeople like me more. Fred and martin, Hybrid Fusion, Epidemic, Deutsch Rot and 9 Ball and all related names to all the mentioned titles are Copyrights of Griffin Thorne 2004.