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internet comic

The following is an explanation of what I intend the real goops interactive comic to be. It is what it basically will look like and how and it will navigate. I have not talked to many people in great detail about the programming but have a general idea of what is possible to do look it over and email me suggestions or comments at

These strips are long strands of comic (the actual size of these are seven inches wide) with no text I am producing about one of these every one to two days. I am using Photoshop 7.0 to color line art that I have scanned. I keep the line work and color details to a minimum to keep the files small(for quick loading) and to also give it more of a cell animation feel. I got this idea as well as many other from Scott Mccloud the author of Understanding comics, and Re-inventing comics. If you are interested here are some comic essays by him that are very relevant to my project.
I Can't Stop Thinking! .

This is a rough idea of what the window will look like.
The viewing window for the strip will be about six inches and will scroll up and down the length of the comic strands(mostly down because that’s how it’s read). The surrounding frame will be a constant (minus a rotating add that will feature sponsers) containing navigation buttons.

this dany gray comic is hard to read. sorry. I aint no computer gene-e-yus!