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CmdrAleon: FIY welcome
Rosco108: NOT FOR US
Nucru studios: i had a weird dream the other night
Nucru studios: a vampire thing told me i was abducted by aliens
Raelian37: evolution is a farse, nothing from nothing is nothing
Nucru studios: and i woke up
CmdrAleon: what was it Nuc?
Nucru studios: well im always in a war, always fighting
CmdrAleon: Nuc are you a saved human?
Nucru studios: im not into cults.
CmdrAleon: meaning do you accept Christ
Nucru studios: nah.
CmdrAleon: nothing to do with cults you had beings from lower worlds visit you
OnlineHost: Raelian37 has left the room.
CmdrAleon: well you will continue having these problems because they come to those not saved
CmdrAleon: and can control the situation
Rosco108: nucru i have same dreams i do sometimes
CmdrAleon: i am with the christ forces of the Ashtar Command
Nucru studios: uh.
Nucru studios: k
CmdrAleon: we represent that which they cannot be
CmdrAleon: we are the very force of light
Rosco108: nucru what wepon did u have
CmdrAleon: that can defeat them
Nucru studios: a rapid fire machine gun type thing
Nucru studios: cappin rows of soldiers down
Rosco108: did u ever have a sword fight
Nucru studios: no
Nucru studios: always in some type of war
OnlineHost: FlYCHiCa42682 has left the room.
Nucru studios: never scared though
Nucru studios: just fighting
Nucru studios: and this vampire looking guy appeared
Nucru studios: and i got scared
Rosco108: did u ever see a symbol or something
Nucru studios: and he said "you were abducted by aliens"
Nucru studios: and then i woke up
OnlineHost: LUJO 8 has left the room.
Nucru studios: but i never get scared
CmdrAleon: may i suggest you decide for your own well being to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and say it to them the next time they come if you let Jesus Christ in your being heart etc and allow him to save you they will not come knocking on
Nucru studios: i never see a symbol
CmdrAleon: your door
CmdrAleon: on any level
CmdrAleon: i promise you this
Nucru studios: you do realize you sound like a sham?
CmdrAleon: but again your choice
CmdrAleon: i do not know what i sound like but i know that what i say is true
Rosco108: i kid u not for i know why u dream this
CmdrAleon: and am guided to share this with you
Nucru studios: sure
Nucru studios: you have fun trying to manipulate people online?
Rosco108: nucru there you can have a past life